Boring Classes. (Modern)

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Yo, since this takes place in a school it will be set out like a UK highschool as that's all I know. So the last year of secondary school has kids aged 15-16, which is your age in this. (Sorry if you be 10 or 20). Also we wear uncomfortable uniforms.


The bell rang, a signal that lunch was over and one of the worst lessons was to take place. Physics. (Sorry if u like physics I bloody hate it)

You said bye to your small group of friends and dragged yourself to that awful classroom. While wading through the sea of sweaty pubescent teens, you began to think of all the things that made you hate physics.

Number one: That room always looked like a dungeon and managed to smell like one too.            Number two: Your teacher tried too much to be 16 again.                                                                    Number three: It was a new year! So a new seating plan on them hard stools was upcoming.

An internal sigh went through you as the door was in sight, the science corridor was pretty much empty now, with only the 'rebellious' first years hanging about to be purposely late. Their backpacks being bigger than their entire body, and their hand-me-down jumper reaching their knees made you think back to when you were that age. Your mother threw you your elder sisters jumper which to this day still never fitted you right. Even being in the last year of school. (To me that's age 16 )

You reached for the silver handle on the light wooden door that had a plaque reading 'Science 6' in bold-black letters. Six standing for the room number, it was the last door in the block, hence the larger number.

"Late on the first lesson ___? Not like you.." A small, cute lady with round glasses stood a few meters away, her pen hovering over the board while talking to you. You did like Mrs Ralls...out of lesson.

"I'm very sorry, there was a...diversion." you mumbled the last word out and looked out across the class, everyone had already been assigned a seat apart from you.

"It's alright! As long as you promise top grades I'll let you off" She dropped the pen on the counter beside her and smiled your way.

"Now...Can you sit next to Sidon please?" 

Your heart sank. Not him, anyone BUT him.

Sidon was well known in school, he transferred two years ago and you had no interest in talking with him as you'd be stabbed with a pen by some crazed student crushing on him. You weren't a loser, but you weren't popular. You were friends with everyone really, but not one word had been uttered between you two. Not even 'hello'.

Because of his fan club-made up of guys and girls alike, you assumed it all went to his head and he was most probably vain af. Another internal sigh happened as you kept quiet and headed over to your decades old science stool.

Sidon had his head down, he didn't look up once to acknowledge you or even say hi. His shaggy red hair was hanging low just like his head, he seemed to be writing in a small blue book. Perhaps it was better this way, that you didn't talk. You could already feel eyes on you and it was hardly worth risking a limb to greet the guy.

Twenty minutes passed and whilst you were supposed to be taking notes, you had given up completely and began to draw on the sides of your paper. It was common knowledge to everyone in your year that Sidon was good at swimming and clearly Physics too, you glanced to your left and there was the red head scribbling away, smoke nearly coming off his pen! That made you feel worse, he was admittedly perfect, handsome, athletic, tall and incredibly smart too. At least you were the best drawer in the year though. Many would ask for little drawings of flowers or puppies from you just to see how good you were.

Even though you felt inferior to this perfect 16 year old, you continued to doodle. Currently it was the large tree on the other side of the window to your left. Little did you know however is that you had an admirer. When your wandering eyes would drift back to the tree from your paper, Sidon would take that as a chance to glance down to stare in awe at your boredom doodles. That would go on to last until the time was 14:40, the moment when you ran out of room, front and back on the sheet of paper. Not just that, but Mrs Ralls announced that the notes you should have taken would be used on the assignment due the next day. 

If you weren't on the first floor, you would have felt driven to haul yourself out of that window and into the tree. Yet you didn't, because a large hand came into vision. It took your paper and replaced it with it's own. One full of notes in a neatly written style and the sides bare of drawings. You blinked many times to adjust to what had happened, Sidon had began frantically writing down his notes onto your paper with the remaining minutes to spare of the lesson.

"Draw on my sheet." He said bluntly, his voice wasn't as deep as you thought and you saw the utter concentration on his face as he did you this favor. 

"Are you sure..?" You picked up your pen in hesitation, Sidon stopped writing and looked at you for the first time.

"Yeah. You're good, it'll give me something else to look at when revising." His thin lips curled slightly, his yellow eyes were like the sun, bright and captivating. Damn he was one hot guy.

You gained a sudden burst of confidence and came out with the following sentence: "Only if you be my partner for the assessment." It wasn't meant to be suggestive. But he took it that way, of course.

"Damn ___, didn't know you had it in ya. Of course I'll be your partner!" His demeanor changed completely and the wink he gave, turned your cheeks a shade darker than his hair.

"No! That's not what I....ugh forget it." You groaned and turned back to his paper, writing your number next to his name at the top. That would be the beginning of you and Mr popular Sidon.


Wow, I updated on the main story AND the one shots. In one day. Who am I?

I might make a pt2 of this, not sure. I know this was years long and I'm sorry if it was too long! Got like 1050+ words.

Be safe fellow Sidon lovers.

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