hell again

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I scoffed and helped mar in the car " des you coming " I asked
" nah I'll stay here with Mattia " she said " ight bye " I then drove off.

* skip to next morning *

y/n pov

" come on des we gotta get ready " I yawned stretching my arms

I rolled out of bed and took a quick hot shower, I walked out with a towel around me looking for an outfit. I wore grey sweats with blue chill Jordans and a ( any colour you want ) spaghetti straps.

I walked to the vanity and just wore lip gloss and mascara and did my brows.

I grabbed a pillow and hit des " wake the fuck up " I yelled laughing. " Fine fine " she said.

we were done and decided to go buy breakfast. We waited in the school carpark eating our food then we went inside.

then someone pushed me I looked up and saw Mattia laughing " i thought he changed " des said confused " he will never change des " I said laughing.

She helped me up and went to first period.

" Okay class today we are gonna do a project today yayyyy " she said. There were alot of groans but I hoping to be with des.

" The group will consist of 4 people so let me read out the names.
Audrey, Alejandro, Nikolai and Jenna next group Kairi, Desiree, Y/n and Mattia " she explained then called the rest.

" fuck why do I have to in a group with him " I sighed

" Hey at least you got me " des laughed " yeah " I smiled

" So for the project I would like you guys to get to know each other more and find similar interests " she smiled

" We all like soccer I guess " des said " they play " I questioned

" Yeah I watch their games " she smiled

The Bell rang and we went to my locker " you think miss Kelly will let us switch to another group " I said " it's fine y/n don't worry " she assured me

* skip to lunch

" Bro I'm so hungry " I groaned " when are you not " she laughed I smacked her arm.

we walked into the cafeteria and grabbed our food " come we gotta sit the boys " des said " why " I whined " the project " she said " okay fine "

we sat down and I ignored the conversation they were having
" so what do you think y/n " des said " hm " I replied

" see told you she is useless " Mattia complained " bitch shut the fuck up Dino looking ass " I snapped back

" bitch- " des cut him off " anyways we decides to do the project on soccer we will be in partners to make it some what easier I guess. I'll go with kairi and you can go with Mattia " she said
" what no please I want kairi " I begged

" No your with me " Mattia said   " please des please I'll do anything " I begged " anything ? " She asked " yes I don't wanna be with him " I pointed to Mattia

" okay bet were switching then " des smirked

" I know what you can do " she whispered in my ear

" okay go ahead " I said. She told me what is should do

" fuck no I ain't doing that " I shrieked

" You have to you said anything " she smiled

" why does it have to involve him " I whined

I thought about it " okay fine " I said then continued eating

I post more chapters today just kinda busy at the moment

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