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A strong wind blew in through the long lavish curtains that hung over Ivy and Harry as they slept. The sunlight peaked in, coating their soft naked flesh with its orange and yellow light. They drank it in, feeling the vitality the sunlight gave, nourishing their power as they slept. The city was now theirs. The green had taken over, the center piece Ivy had created through Gordon now stood as the highest focal point in Gotham. Its aroma awakening the sleeping seeds that had burrowed inside the citizens of Gotham. Nearly everyone was turned, or had become mere soil and food for the plants and foliage. Ivy stirred, caressing the side of her cheek against the lower dip of Harry's back. The packages they had sent to the mainland were now opened and people were becoming infected there. The reach would be unstoppable and Ivy knew now that her reign had only just begun. She opened her eyes, leaning up as her bare breasts perked up in the light. Their daughter asleep, near her teens years now. She smiled at her sleeping soundly, nestled cozily in her pod of petals.

Ivy wrapped herself in a satin robe, tying the strands as she walked out onto her balcony. The Wayne Manor had been destroyed, used for plantation and growth. The Venus traps made it their main home. The police force was no more and the authority that had run it was now dead. The inmates from the asylum were turned into Harry's minions, he had kept a few for mere pleasure and infected the rest as his personal decoys. Ivy couldn't complain, she made her own flock of slaves. Personal guards that did her bidding and her armies were now almost tripled. She thought about her past and how much things had changed during the past year. How she had nearly died so many items over. The constant let downs and lost lovers. She then thought about now...the flower shop, meeting Harry, the power, the rise of the green. Everything had worked out in her favor. She had gained control of this dreadful city and proclaimed it as her paradise. She gripped the railing, looking out over the city and towards the mainland. A genuine smile came across her face.

A warm hand glided through her robe and caressed her skin. "Mmmmmm." she moaned leaning back into Harry's body. His mouth found the side of her neck as he kissed and embraced her. "We have our big day today." Harry said smiling. Ivy nuzzled him. "Yes we do." she said showing the green diamond ring on her finger. "Think they're ready for us?" she asked. "Doesn't matter. We will make it ours, regardless." he said kissing her deeply. Bells could be heard in the distance for their wedding would proceed in the mainland tower. Thousands were invited and thousands would become planted. Gotham was just the beginning. The rest fo the world would be theirs for the taking. Mother nature always wins. This time she had the upper hand.

                                                                                          THE END

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