What I Love About You

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Dear _____,

Don't be afraid of your anger,
Let it be your fuel,
Let it burn bright,
And never snuff it out,
Because those sparks are
What I love about you

Dear _____,

Never fear those tears,
The ones that flow like rivers,
The ones that put out your fire,
But let them be your guide,
Because those tears are
What I love about you

Dear _____,

Please be kind to your envy,
It just wants the best for you,
It just wants you to be loved,
Don't be too mad at it's tricks,
Because that jealousy is
What I love about you

Dear _____,

Your creativity may be shy,
For some reason its quiet,
For some reason its tired,
Take care of your imagination,
Because those ideas are
What I love about you

Dear _____,

Why do you hide your laugh?
All it wants is to be heard,
All it wants is to make you happy,
Make sure your joy gets seen,
Because that glee is
What I love about you

Dear _____,

Scream your honesty,
So the whole world can hear it,
So the ones you love can believe it,
Find a way around lies,
Because those truths are
What I love about you



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