ᴛʀᴜᴇ ʟᴏᴠᴇ (𝟷/𝟷)

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Jihoon never believed in the term, "true love". Mostly because of the childhood shows and movies he watched as a kid. The couples were too perfect for him to believe, even at that young age. He compared them to the couples he saw in real life. His parents, aunt and uncles. They were different from in those television shows.

He's seen fights between parents, divorces of aunts and uncles, and never meeting some of his cousins' lovers again after one holiday together.

And then he goes back to the tv shows on the television, seeing nothing like that. Instead he saw how they magically get through everything together. Going through ups and downs, bouncing back stronger than ever.

So he didn't believe in true love. But what he did believe in was love. Even if it doesn't last forever, it's still real. There was no such thing as "soulmates", or being "made for each other". It all just sounded ridiculous to him.

Until Soonyoung came into his life.

He came around when Jihoon was at the lowest point of his life.

Having been laid off from a job he loved. The business had shut down due to lack of money, so him and his colleagues had to pack up and leave.

So he was back to square one since after he graduated high school: jobless.

It was that night that started out like one of many. Jihoon's friends had invited him out of the house to the club. Just a night to hang out, get loose, maybe hook-up with some random stranger and ditch them the next day.

And he would've gotten that last part, when suddenly Soonyoung and Jihoon's flirty conversation had shifted to his position in life.

"That must be tough," Soonyoung emphasizes with the male, who only shrugs before chugging his drink.

"It is," he sighs. "I'm still job-searching, but I'm trying to be optimistic."

"That's good to hear," Soonyoung grins at him. "You don't sound like one to give up easily."

"Call that stubbornness," Jihoon replies. "Big flaw of mine."

"I find it cute," Soonyoung shakes his head. "You do seem like the stubborn type, but that seems more like a charm rather than a flaw."

Jihoon chuckles at this. "Thanks."

"You know," Soonyoung straightens himself in his seat, positioning himself to face his body towards Jihoon. "I thought this night would end with us at my place, but how about instead I give you my number?"

"Your number?" Jihoon smirks at him. "What? You think there'll be something going on between us?"

Soonyoung shrugs. "I don't know, It was nice talking to you after our attempt of dirty talk. I'd like to talk more. Y'know, get to know each other."

"Hmm," he hummed. "Yeah. I guess that'll be nice."

And Soonyoung pulls out a handy pen from his pocket, stealing a napkin from the person next to them (without them looking) and writing down his number. Jihoon watches Soonyoung's eyes focus for a second as he wrote the numbers down, then sliding over to Jihoon.

"I'll be expecting you to text in the next 24 hours," Soonyoung winks at him.

"Maybe if I'm not busy," Jihoon smirks at him.

"With what?" Soonyoung scoffs out a laugh.

"Hey, I got things going on in my life other than searching for a job." Jihoon defends himself.

"Like me," Soonyoung pats his shoulder before standing up from his seat, his gaze on two men dancing together. Jihoon looking at the two, wondering what Soonyoung was thinking. Secretly hoping that maybe he'd ask Jihoon to dance, but that wasn't it.

"I should probably drive them home before they embarrass themselves," Soonyoung says.

"Those are your friends?" Jihoon asks.

"Yeah," Soonyoung replies, dragging out his answer with a shrug. "So, I guess we'll text later. Yeah?"

"Yeah," Jihoon nods with a smile, Soonyoung automatically smiling back at him. He had a sweet smile that just made Soonyoung want to protect him from all negativity.

"Okay then, well I'll see you later, Jihoon."

After that night, Soonyoung and Jihoon talked more. They met up whenever they were free, and even though they never said it out loud... they knew they were technically "dating" each other.

How else would that explain whenever they held hands, and the times where they almost kissed.

Jihoon's been waiting for that almost kiss, without the almost. Then it happened.

The third date they had together.

It was a casual date, much like the others. The two were on a beautiful night walk on the beach. It had gotten a little chilly since they were near the ocean, and because temperatures drop at night. Jihoon holding onto Soonyoung's hand tightly. Soonyoung placing both their hands in his pocket, keeping them warm.

After eating at the nice restaurant near the beach, they decided to walk off all that food they ate.

"Cold," Jihoon complained.

Soonyoung chuckles at him. "Should we go back to the car?"

"No," Jihoon shook his head. "Need to walk off the food I ate. Plus, I don't want the night to end yet."

"Mmm," Soonyoung hums, letting go of Jihoon's hand. Much to the male's dismay. Though his disappointed expression changed into a shocked face when Soonyoung wrapped his arms around Jihoon. He pulled him closer, making Jihoon snuggle into his warmth.

Now this, was so much better than holding hands.

"You cold anywhere else?" Soonyoung asks.

And Jihoon thinks to himself. He was definitely warmer, but he knew Soonyoung was setting himself up for Jihoon to reply with something like "my lips".

And that's exactly what he replied with.

Soonyoung wasted no second before leaning in and placing a gentle, long kiss on Jihoon's lip. Nothing sexual, just very sweet. He felt Jihoon's hands wrap around the back of his neck, which made him smile into the kiss.

That was the kiss that sealed their relationship. The two knowing they were together long enough to be considered boyfriends, and that was exactly what they were.

Ever since then, they'd hang out more. Not much in public like before, but more at each other's house. Mostly it was Jihoon!s since he liked having him around his house, and sometimes it was Soonyoung's. They've be visiting each other so much for so long that everywhere they look, they can imagine each other there.

Sometimes when Jihoon lays in bed with his back against the long, body pillow. He could "feel"Soonyoung's arms wrapped around his. Whenever Soonyoung's eating at the dining table, he could "see" Jihoon right across from him enjoying the meal they cooked together.

Then Jihoon asks him the big question, whether Soonyoung wanted to move in or not.

Of course he said yes, and they moved in together.

I also can't leave the parts where they'd argue, because they weren't the perfect couple. And as much as he hated arguing with each other, Jihoon knew it was normal in a relationship to argue.

He also knew that at the end of the day, they still loved each other and that he would still be sleeping soundly in Soonyoung's arms.

Author note:
It's very short, I know. I promise not all short stories in the book would be a fluff like this, in case you don't like it. I just wanted to write another story in this book so people know I didn't abandon it or something lol. But anyways, I'm working on another plot for the next story (which should come out next month if things go well). So look forward to that I guess.

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