ʜᴀʙɪᴛᴜᴀʟ ᴡᴏʀᴅs (𝟸/𝟻)

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Soonyoung walked out the cafe with a coffee in his hand, he looked around for his friend who he agreed to meet at the tables nearby.

"Soonyoung!" he turned his head to the person calling his name.

"Hey Mingyu," he smiled, talking off his mask and sitting across his friend at the table.

"Hey," he greets the actor. "So how are you?"

"I'm good, you?"

"I am great," he throws him a smile. "We just finished writing the screenplay for my new film."

"And what is that?" asked Soonyoung.

"It's a film adaption of a romance novel, Habitual Words."

"Never heard of it," Soonyoung deadpans.

"Yeah, you never read anyway so I expected you to not know," Mingyu shook his head.

"Hey," Soonyoung gives him an offended look, though he knew it's the truth. He never reads.

"But the reason I asked to meet with you today, other than to catch up, is because I wanted to know if you'd like to play the main lead."

"The main lead?"

"Yeah," Mingyu nodded. "You're the only person I know who would play the role perfectly. I'm always telling you that you're an amazing actor, and I would really love to have you in another one of my films."

"Aww, Mingyu~!" Soonyoung coos. "I'm flattered, and I would love to be in another one of your films!"

"Yes!" Mingyu cheered, pumping his fists up in the air with enthusiasm.

Jihoon knew film production was a long process, but he never fully acknowledged it until he met Mingyu. He's never met anyone like Mingyu before in life. Someone so kind, hardworking, and determined. Mingyu made sure to keep Jihoon updated with everything that's going on in, even though he didn't have to. He felt like he had to though since Jihoon was the writer, and he wanted to do the novel justice by filming a movie that made the audience want to read the book also.

Today Jihoon received a message from Mingyu, another message about the process. He smiles a little bit when he reads Mingyu's text, and he can tell how enthusiastic the man is after finally completing the screenplay. His small smile soon vanishing completely when he read the last couple sentences of Mingyu's text.

I reached out to Soonyoung a few days ago and had lunch with him. He said he'd be happy to act in the film!

"He really is gonna be in the film," Jihoon groans out.

He closes the message, not wanting to reply to it at that moment.

Jihoon couldn't believe the irony of this messed up situation he was in. His novel, Habitual Words was about his own experience with heartbreak in a relationship that seemed so perfect until it wasn't. The pain he felt and how much he missed Soonyoung, all of it was in the book. Each and every word was about him, and if Soonyoung ever read the book then he would know too that his novel was based off their relationship.

He might not even read the novel, Jihoon thought to himself. That boy never liked to read anyways.

But what if he did? What if he did read Jihoon's novel, and all the others? Jihoon would always go back to his relationship with Soonyoung whenever writing about romance. As he writes about the fluttery feeling in his stomach, his heart remembers Soonyoung. Whenever he felt the emptiness inside him, his heart remembers Soonyoung. Just everything in his books, everything was Soonyoung.

Because Soonyoung was such a big part of his life. He was his first love and first heartbreak. His first kiss, his first boyfriend. He was his first everything.

Jihoon let's out a heavy sigh when he reminisces on the old times. He shook his head in attempt to shake away all the memories he had with Soonyoung, but they were still coming back.

"What are you listening to?"

Jihoon looked up, seeing Soonyoung standing above him with a curious smile on his face. He didn't answer his question, instead patting the seat next to him and handing him one of the earbuds.

"Bruno Mars," Soonyoung chuckles out after Jihoon plugged the earbud into his ear. "Of course you're listening to him."

"I love his music," Jihoon replies, leaning his head on Soonyoung's shoulder. He closed his eyes, letting himself sink into Soonyoung's presence and the music playing in his ear.

He tries not to take these small moments for granted, regardless of how often it is. Jihoon cherished moments like these. Whenever Soonyoung would listen to music with him, he feels so at peace. Soonyoung doesn't have to say anything, it's just his presence that lets himself forget about all his worries.

It's moments like these that Jihoon feels is engraved in his heart forever, whether he likes it or not.

Soonyoung sat in bed with a face mask on while he read through the script. His roommate— Jeonghan, had been out with his friends. So it was just him, and he wasn't complaining. The entire apartment was quiet other than the soft music playing in the background, and Soonyoung needed to focus.

As he read the script, Soonyoung's eyes furrowed with each piece of dialogue in the book.

Hold on, he stopped reading mid-sentence. This all seems too familiar. Who wrote this book?

Reaching over to the bedside table, he grabbed his phone and unlocked it. When he goes to the search bar, he pauses for a second to think before typing.

"Habitual Words author," he searched.

Once the page loaded, Soonyoung's breath gets caught in his throat. When he sees the name displayed right in front of him, he lets out a sound of disbelief.

Lee Jihoon, it read.

No, is it really him? Soonyoung shook his head slowly. He's the writer?

And all Soonyoung could think at that moment was, I'm in deep shit.

Author note:
Not really fun fact: this plot for this book was originally supposed to be for another ship, but I decided to do Soonhoon cause ahaha last update was 4 months ago...

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