Chapter 15?

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The sky had blossoms of white clouds blooming like the teal flowers blossoming in the spring. 

A blur of blond whirred in the wind, so did a white sparkle, as they travelled in the sky.

Sophie clutched tighter on to Silveny's mane as they dropped down, her thrill rising higher.

Just before Sophie thought her face would smash against the green grass, Silveny performed a soft landing, light as feather.

Sophie giggled as a plant like creature wheeled a cart over to where they were standing.

"That was certainly a softer landing than last time, wasn't it Sophie?" Flori giggled as she threw the swizzlespice in the air which the alicorn caught in her mouth.

"Oh thank you, Flori! Yes, that certainly was. The adrenaline was insane." Sophie laughed as she stroked Silveny's soft mane.


Sophie sighed which was quickly replaced by her lips curling up into a smile.

"I'm going to miss you, Silveny." Sophie weakly smiled, understanding Silveny's motherly duties since Sophie shared them too, but grateful the "saving the world" ones were accomplished.

Silveny nuzzled against Sophie's head and then in a flash flew away and disappeared.

"Mom! Mom! MOOOMMM!!!"

Flori shot Sophie a glowing look as Sophie walked toward the crystal mansion she called home.

She pushed the doors open and scurried through the halls to find a girl with messy blond hair and a pair of teal eyes staring at her.

"Calla! I didn't know you were coming today!" Sophie felt her eyes brim with tears, seeing her daughter was extraordinary as Calla was extra busy securing the treaty with humans after so many years of hard work had passed.

Calla was now 131, not that Sophie had been keeping count, and grown to be just as kind as the Calla Sophie knew, and she was so proud. Not only her character was impressive, Calla also had four abilities, telepathy, empathy, teleportation, and she was a polyglot as well.

A man with periwinkle eyes her stood next to Calla, sitting on top of his head was a heap of strawberry blond hair Sophie definitely would recognize anytime of the day.

"DEX?!?" Sophie screamed and smiled as she hugged her dear friend.

"Here I am." Dex laughed sheepishly.


A shock ran through Sophie like it has never before and she turned around to see a long haired brunette, the most beautiful in the lost cities, and shared the same remarkable teal eyes with her brother.

"Biana!!! You vanisher!!! Oh how dare you scare me like that!" Sophie accused jokingly as she hugged Biana hard as fits of laughter escaped out of them.

Suddenly, Sophie realized there were two cloaked figure standing next to them in the corner.

It sent Sophie's heart pounding a million miles.

A shiver ran down her spine, followed by many more.

"Oh relax, Foster. You should've seen your face." A voice so heart-achingly familiar as the owner of the voice threw back his hood.

"Pranked ya." Keefe laughed.

"OHHHHH, KEEFE YOU LITTLE STINKY IMP!", Sophie tried scowling, but couldn't help herself from smiling and rushing over and giving him a big tackle hug, which he tackled back to the extent of not breathing.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2020 ⏰

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