♡ six

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Jihyun was about to kiss me when I slightly opened my eyes and saw Yedam just a few tables away from us, staring at me with pain in his eyes.

Has he been here the whole time?

The moment our eyes met he started walking away with a frown on his face.

I don't know what came over my body that it started acting on its own. I pushed Jihyun away and left him there.

I ran fast towards Yedam, chasing him to explain what was happening.

The moment I reached him I gripped his wrist.

It shocked me when he shrugged my hand off. It made my heart ache too.

"Yedam-ah..." I whispered.

"Why didn't you tell me that you already have a new one?" He asked, not turning around.

Is he jealous? Of course he is, Yenna! He just caught you almost kissing with the guy who wants to court you.

"Yedam, please let me explain," I pleaded.

"You have nothing to explain to me at all," he scoffed. "Everything's clear to me now."

He started walking away again but I gripped his wrist again. This time, he didn't shrug it off.

"Yedam, we aren't dating---"

He cut me off. "Then why were you kissing?"

"We weren't! He was about to! And then I saw you---"

He cut me off again. "And then you felt guilty? I don't want your guilt, Yenna. Don't replace love with guilt."

He shrugged my hand off again and started walking away once more.

It was only now that I realized I am crying but it didn't stop me from reaching out to him.

I guess the tables turned now.

Before he was the one reaching out to me, and now I am the one who's desperate for him to know the truth.

I quickly ran in front of him and took both of his hands into mine.

He looked a bit taken aback by my actions but he didn't say a word. He waited for me to speak.

"I don't love him," I started, pointing over where we were earlier. "I don't even like him!"

He only stared at me.

I don't know what to say anymore.

My mind's a mess.

I just don't want him to think that I am in love with another guy... because he's the only one that I love.

"Yedam..." I whispered his name, sniffing and kneeling down to the ground because I'm starting to feel weak as each second passes by.

I looked straight into his eyes and tried to find love in it. I tried to find those eyes that were looking at me so lovingly before. I tried to search for those eyes that I love.

"I love you," I stated with all my heart, more tears running down my face. "I still love you."

I haven't said those words for so long. And now that I've said it to him I feel like the heaviness in my heart started fading away.

He still looked taken aback, still staring at me with those bright eyes.

I rubbed his soft hands and slowly let them go.

I hung my head low and hid my face filled with tears.

How can he ever give me his love again after seeing what almost happened?

How can he ever love me again when I was the one who pushed him away all the time? When I was the one who hurt him first?

How come doing the right thing is so hard?


As I saw the love of my life sobbing on the hard ground I feel my heart breaking.

She still loves me.

She really just wants to do what she thinks is right. But I am still the one she loves.

And I don't have to worry about the guy anymore.

I kneeled down and embraced the love of my life warmly.

She lightly pushed me away to see me.

My heart slightly ached seeing those tears on her pretty face. Seeing those red puffy face and pouting lips.

I used my thumbs to wipe those tears off. "I love you too."

Her face lit up and she giggled.

Oh, I miss that giggle of hers so much.

I leaned in and gave her a sweet kiss to enure her that I love her. She gave the kiss back and it made me smile through the kiss.

Tears welled in my eyes from the joy I feel right now.

We pulled away and I smiled at her. "Should we start over again?"

Without hesitation in her expressions she nodded with a smile.

I don't have to wallow in sadness anymore. I don't have to ask why anymore. Because right now she's here.

I kissed her nose. "I promise you, we'll make this work. Whatever obstacles may come through, we will stay strong."

She smiled sweetly and leaned her head on my chest.

I sighed in relief and happiness.

Finally, we're together again.

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A/N: thank you for reading this short fanfic, love y'all 💖💖💖

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