Chapter 1 - good morning Mr ackerman

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( Y/n POV)

I woke up and quickly shutting of my phone before it alarms then I grabbed my uniform and head for a shower it was a 5 minute shower so I could be quick

Then I put on deodorant and dress up into my uniform and I am gonna miss this uniform since I am going to be in college and I am gonna miss Mr. Levi

I mean literally gonna miss Mr. Levi so I head downstairs and quickly grab some bread and lock my door and went outside where Mr. Levi almost passed my house

I quickly run to him and yelling
" Mr-ghghh " I choke mid sentence because I inhaled my bread " Jesus l/n your going to die like that ? " He said sarcastically

But I know deep down he cared for me I quickly fist my chest and burf out the bread and instantly swallowing it again
" So Mr. Levi what's for math today " I said striking a conversation

" We're having a qui- Oi stop choking on your bread for once " he said calmly not helping me " WE HAVE A QUIZ !!! " I said in shock ' shit... I didn't study ' I thought

" quizzes " he said and drink hes tea ' shit I am gonna fail " I said lowering my head tearing up " you didn't study didn't you ?" He asked I perked up

" nope I didn't " I said proud " idiot " he sighed and pinched the bridge of he's nose " I'll teach you for five minutes but that's it " then continued walking

I quickly smiled " woah thanks Mr. Levi "
" So I won't see your face after graduation " then drank he's tea again I quickly fall on my knees

" Why can't you be kind for once " I said Defeated " look if your not gonna hurry I am not teaching you " he said waiting for me I smiled knowing he will wait for me

I stand up " alright let's go learn " I said 1 minute ago and now I want to die " so did you finally find X ?" He said while reading a news paper

" Is it X = 5 ? " I asked crying for the Lord to save me " yay you did it " he said still reading the news paper " but you need to find Y too " he said not looking up

' dear God if there's a hell please be merciful ' I said praying and continuing my work

25 minutes later

" Good morning brats... Get your book and answer page 100-110 " he said and quickly pulled out some papers grading the other class work

"Oi y/n you look like you ate shit" Jean said snickering "dude it would be a compliment if you just said I look like ONE NOT ATE ONE " I said while my two of my braincells fight

" Mr. L/n and Mr. Kirstein do you want my foot up your asses " he said frustrated
" Sir I think y/n would like that because he li- Grrrhh" I shove the book on he's mouth

" Eat this so your brain will function " then he land a punch on my face we fought it off until Mr. Levi ended it with one punch that made our brain shut down

Well let's just say we continued our quizzes in the detention room

just a simple joke ( Levi Ackerman x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now