Part 8 - principal erwin

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( Y/N POV )

" Alright sit next to me " he said grabbing a chair from the side and setting beside him I sitted and start answering " OI ERWIN IS IT TRUE PETRA IS A WHORE ?"

hanji yelled I just looked ' they're trying to make me feel better ' I said while answering the tests ' one more then I'm done ' I thought

" hanji please not right now " Erwin said pinching the bridge of he's nose " YOO! LOOK HER SCANDAL IS GOING VIRAL " she said showing the video

I see Reiner and Petra going at it I blushed ' goddamn no wonder Reiner was so cherry that day ' I thought
Erwin coughed

Hanji turn to me and turn it off " forget that okay or else " she said giving a sinister smile I nod just guessing the answer so I can leave

Then someone went in ' it's Levi ' I thought but he looks like he's about to cry but holding it in " Levi I told you to break up with her " hanji tried comforting

" I can't she has my child I can't just break up with her " he said cracking a voice I coughed " I'll be taking my leave " I passed the papers and walked out

But someone is following me I turn back to the classroom and was about to get my bag until a hand grabs me
" hanji-san !" I yelled in surprised

" You have to help him " she said hoping me to say yes " I-I ca- " she caught me off "you can you know him better than we do please help him " hanji said

" I am sorry I do love him but he has a child and a wife I can't just break a family further by taking the father " I said pulling off my hand

" I am sorry I really am If I could help Levi in another way I will " I said " then why won't you help him now " she asked
" I love him so much that I am willing to let him go and have a family" I said

Then she just stayed silent " please just let me be " I said then went on I walked in the hallway and walked passed by principal Erwin office

I saw Levi screaming at Petra and Petra crying while Erwin calming Levi " he really loves her... " I said " yeah he does "
The janitor hanness said

" Levi is the type of guy who picks he's lover and Petra fought for he's love and just abandon it " hanness said " talk about a bad break up " I said

" You know you were really more determine then her " he said looking at the couple " you really love him and you know it " he said

I nod " yeah maybe it's a good thing to hide it " I said looking at the window while Levi throwing the wedding ring at the window

just a simple joke ( Levi Ackerman x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now