Part 7 - I'm leaving, be happy

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( You POV )

I sighed when I heard the bell ring I went out to the classroom and go to my class I saw him and he just gave me an annoyed look

I just look back and go to my chair " YO! you did- you- dude how ?! " Sasha said shock " easy I'm depressed " I said doing the imagination meme

She felt bad " I'm sorry y/n I heard you got rejected " she said apologetic
" yeah... sooner or later I'll move on " I said playing my pen

" Y/n come meet me after class " Levi said and started teaching the lesson
' maybe that's gonna be a year to move on ' I thought breaking my pen

( After classes )

' FUCKING LEVI STARING AT ME ALWAYS ' I said hiding my face and looking away I look at him again he looked back

I panicked chill and he dropped he's pen he grabbed it slowly while staring at me
now I'm hiding my face with a book ' Levi stop ' I thought

The bell rings and I quickly grabbed my bag running away but he just grabbed my arm " I said meet me after class " he said with a glared

I nod and sit down he let the people leave and now there's two " here your tests " he said giving me the quizzes and periodical test

" Thanks " I whispered I started answering " hey y/n why do you love me ?" He asked while reading something
" I said forget it " I said angrily

" Give me a reason then I'll forget it " he said now looking at me " we-well you seem like a lovable guy " I paused blushing

" You don't show it but I can see it in your eyes you see your friends as siblings like hanji as a jerk little sister and principal Erwin as a big brother " I said now red

" I-Ill finish this in principal erwin's office " I said running off the office I knock and I heard a come in " can I finish my tests here " I said while looking at erwin

just a simple joke ( Levi Ackerman x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now