Part 18 - Nice to meet you again mr. ackerman

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I gave him the toy then I heard a familiar voice " Kaiyo " A deep voice that sounded like it could kill the boy freeze and I just look at Levi

" Nice to meet you again Mr. Ackerman " I said he just scoff and hold he's son's hand " ow dad your hurting me " kaiyo said

I slap Levi's hand " Levi calm down he's a kid " I said and carry the kid " tsk give me him " he tried to take kaiyo to me but kaiyo won't let go

" No please don't give me to him mister " he said I sighed then Connie came to my aid " Connie can you go home alone ? " I asked and he nods and left

" Come on Levi I'll hold your kid for you " I said " Jesus kaiyo just let go " he tried again but he won't budge he just sighed and walk away I followed behind

We went to the parking lot and good thing that kaiyo is asleep " here " I said and passed Levi he's child we "accidentally" touch hands

I just pulled back " well I better go now bye " I said but he stopped " wait " he said and I just turn around " se-see ya tomorrow " he said looking down

I smiled " like father like son " I jokingly said " what did you said " he said
" nothing I just said you still look good " I said grinning

I quickly realized what I said " I-I mean you still look young and handso-no Smart " I said stuttering while my voice gets higher

He laughed " your still and idiot " he chuckled " tch I'm going home bye Mr. Ackerman " I said turning around while holding my beating heart

" I'm still in love with him " I said while holding my face so no one sees my red face " Y/N ! " I turn around who said it
" Let's go to the cafe tomorrow " Levi yelled

I smiled " sure your treat " I yelled and he gave me a thumbs up and go back to the car now I'm holding my heart and face

just a simple joke ( Levi Ackerman x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now