Part 9 - shitty fucking life

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It was finally graduating and Levi and I never talked since we just stared and not acknowledge eachother ' it's depressing and akward ' I thought

I got my diploma from principal Erwin and shaking hands with Levi but he won't let go "Mr. Ackerman ?" I asked "it's nothing I am sorry" he said then letting go

" ha so your graduating Mr. artsy " eren said smiling " yeah Im gonna be a voice over in anime series " I said proudly " nice I am going to be a model " eren said

" I have to see you in vogue's magazine okay ? " I said " I promise " then Levi walked pass by us " oh he's a bit grumpy isn't he " he said

" Yeah seems that y/n isn't acknowledging he's lover " Armin elbowed me ' I just can't fall for someone who broke my heart ' I gulped

" PPSSSH him? he has a lover and a child and beside I'm taller than him and Im just glad that I am graduating so I can go to my auntie's house and live there " I said

Armin just turned to me a bit sad " look eren Levi seem that he is more depressed " I heard Armin whispered
" Huh ? where ?" I asked

" We just walked passed by him when he was at the vending machine he seems more depressed " eren said I just felt bad
' tsk he broke my heart ' I thought

" Well depressed or not I'm just happy that I'm leaving the country and going to my dream home " I said in anger and eren and Armin

" You shouldn't put your sadness in anger y/n it will only worsen " I scoff " I'll be going home I need to pack my aunt is gonna pick me up next Monday " I said

" Wait what about the party ! " Armin yelled " come on y/n don't be mad " eren said I sighed " alright one more party and I'll be gone " I said smiling

just a simple joke ( Levi Ackerman x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now