Part 19 - my first day

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today is the day my first time teaching high school students I open the door and it was a mess I quickly coughed and they don't respond

I think of a plan I walk up front and write a line in the black board of every time they made a loud noise or be bad student

" Hey sir what's that for ? " One kid from the back said " it's a minus from your grade if you keep BEING NOISY " I half yelled

They quickly silent up " I'll give you two chances but if you do it again it's official you have a minus in your grade " I said while erasing the line

" You can't do that " one girl with her breast out said " I teach personality education meaning I teach your shitty personality to be good " I said calmly

" Hey sir l/n are you Mr. Ackerman student " one dude in the front said
" Yeah why do you ask ? " I asked while writing my criteria

" He keeps mentioning you everytime ? Are you friends before ? " He said and I gulped " what kind of mentioned " I asked
" Like Y'alL NeEd To AcT LiKe Y/n " he mocked

" Oh is he strict to you guys ? " I asked again " yeah and one time he slipped and said If Y/n Is HeRe I WoUld Mar- turn your page in 69 " then the girl laughed
I gulped again and blush

"Shittt... Not again " I whispered to myself

just a simple joke ( Levi Ackerman x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now