Part 6 - sweet is my only friend

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( still you )

I was absent for a week eating ice cream everyday and popsicle just to eat my sadness away until I got a call from my mom I picked up

" Hello " I said while scratching my throat " y/n are you alright ? You've been absent for a week and you missed your exams " mom said worried

"I am sick don't worry I'll be going to school tomorrow and test in my free hour" I explained while I eat another ice cream " alright please call me often"

She said " alright love you " I said and she said it back then hang up I quickly stand up and try to clean the house I took a shower and I look like shit

I look like a panda and brush my teeth and wash my face I quickly replied to all my friends who's been worried and I saw he's message

' 99+ messages unread ' this guy is impatient as fuck I read all of it half is about the quiz and some are tests but not the confession

' thank God he forget that ' * ding * I look at the buzz of the phone and saw Levi !
I read he's message

( Phone POV)

Levi: Oi! Why didn't you come to school
Answer quickly or  I'm failing you

                                   Jesus I was sick : you

Levi: you have to go to class tomorrow or your grades these semester will be 0

                                     Alright I'll be at  : You
                                   school tomorrow
Levi: oh and about the confession

( Y/n POV)

I quickly turn off my phone throwing it because it's to akward to answer ' I'll rather not ' I thought and went back to bed and sleep

( The very next day )

I woke up same old routine eat, brush, shower, and clothes and I grab my bag walking to the door opening it and closing it

I just stand to the door peeking to the peep hole " dude leave I don't want my heart to be beating beside you " I said to myself

He just waits for me ' goddamn you making me fall for you ' I thought while my heart beats then I think of something I opened the kitchen window

Jump and went to my neighbors yard and jump to it's fence and run to school then I saw the gang I quickly dropped on my knees

" Eren please end my suffering this legs is weak " I said between my huffs
" Before I helped you is it true that you confessed ? " He asked

" Oi y/n look it's Mr. Levi " Jean said pointing behind me I turn around and he is 30 foots behind me " yes but he didn't say anything now help me " I said scared

Eren nod and I put my hand on my shoulder we fast walk while Levi is 15 foots behind us " eren we gonna die " I said

And he thinks of a plan he left me in an abandoned classroom I just rest there until I heard Annie and Levi talked
" Annie did you see y/n? " Levi asked

" I don't know maybe he's in these classroom " she said while tapping the wall of my classroom " your guessing aren't you ? " He asked

" Yeah " then she left ' okay Annie you have balls I give you that '

just a simple joke ( Levi Ackerman x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now