Part 14

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"So Nightmare I heard you were hanging out with Killer yesterday.." Cross spoke while looking at Nightmare with an unsettling smile.

"Cross- Cross this is not what you think-" before Nightmare could finish his sentence Cross pulled out a gun.

"I won't hesitate. BiTCH-"


"Nightmare have you seen my chocolate?" Cross said while peeking out from the kitchen to the living room.

"No I haven't why don't you ask Killer?" the king responded with an annoyed attitude. But of course it was him who have stolen the chocolate. But why would he tell Cross that?

"..Killer has been on a mission for the whole day. And my chocolate gone missing a few minutes ago. Dumbass."





Cross looked down at his newborn son tiredly. "He looks just like you nightmare.." he started. "an adorable disappointment."


Haha yes don't mind me this is just me trying to improve my writing skills. And I'm sorry I kinda forgot about this book-

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