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"I know I broke a lot of promises.. I know I'm not a good person.. but this was the one promise I wasn't going to break.." Nightmare mumbled to himself as he glanced over to his window.

He didn't know how he should feel. He tried his best to be happy for Lust. He really did. And when he said he wanted to try again later he really did mean it.

But of course. As Lust said. He's just not the same person anymore. But how could he be the same person as he was before? The person he was wasn't feeling miserable all the time. It's so hard to act nice when all you can feel is pain.

And now all Nightmare could go was let the other go. No matter how much this decision hurt him or Lust. He knew it would be better for Lust. Especially now that Lust had him.

"So why did you break it.."

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