Chapter 6

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A silence extended through the room after the words slipped her mouth.

A hand suddenly gripped onto her wrist. Y/N yelped as she moved backwards, but Wooyoung had her in his grasp firmly.

"You won't regret this" He said, before a burning sensation took over her skin. A literal one. She felt as if it ripped and moved just as it pulsated in pain.

Wooyoung let go, the feeling cooling down, but the pulsating and pain seemingly becoming too much.

She let out a cry as she fell into the floor. Tears slipped from her eyes in warm, fast waterfalls. She held onto her wrist only for her fingers to feel something coat it. Her blood must likely.

A cooing suddenly reached her senses as she was held still.

Wooyoung held onto her wrist again. She tried to fight him away but he held on.

Y/N closed her eyes tightly before another scream ripped through her throat.


Y/N was startled awake. Cold beads of sweat covered her body as she looked around. Darkness. No sound came from her surroundings and no movement could be detected by her senses.

A dream, right? Was it all a cruel play from her imagination?

She held onto her wrist softly, only to feel something on it. She frowned as she tried to figure out what it was. The shape was a rough sketch, carved into the very delicate flesh that rested there.

Light suddenly bathed the room. Y/N closed her eyes tightly at the discomfort of it.

A chuckle reached her ears.

Y/N slowly adjusted to the little light from the lightbulb in the middle of the room.

"You are such a dumb human" Wooyoung said. "Making a deal with a demon"

Y/N looked down. Marks were scarred into her skin. A deep red surrounded the area as it seemed like each line was just done with delicate hands holding a chisel and a hammer.

A sense of pride and almost mockery took over her chest. It took this demon months to get that "deal". It took him so long she managed to get him away from anyone else. Stop him from getting what he wanted. Stop him. Trap him. Right there with her.

"Yes" Y/N said. "But we're stuck down here"

"I know" Wooyoung shrugged.

"Then your pride is misplaced" She said.

She felt like herself again in a small way. A bit of pride she never knew she had. She was smug. Empowered by just the fact she managed her goal. A goal seemingly ridiculous and dangerous.

"Why would it be misplaced?" Wooyoung asked, smugness taking over his tone and posture.

"Whatever it is you want to achieve won't happen anytime soon" She said. "You are now stuck wherever I go"

A small silence rested between them.

Wooyoung suddenly laughed. A wholehearted one. One that only means he was mocking that poor soul of hers.

"You? Controlling me?" He said in between laughs.

Y/N blinked. That was true. He was a being of powers completely out of her reach. But, could she...?

"I said I would help you" She said softly. "Never did I say I would give myself willingly under your control"

Wooyoung suddenly stopped. A sense of shock and confusion rested upon his features. He turned to the dimly lit human and stopped. His eyes began to roam as he tried to find the little discrepancy in her words. Something had clicked in his mind. His eyes were big in surprise but only for a moment. As a smirk took over his lips.

"Very good Y/N" He said. "You are quite clever"

"And you are quite the actor on your own stage Wooyoung" She said calmly. "A man missing a captive audience."

"But that's you, my dear" His words seemed to change in tone all the same. She felt as if she was not listening to Wooyoung anymore. This was different. "Especially with how attentive you are to such a performance"

His eyes suddenly turned into an inky black. A shade seemingly missing all color, but a bright shine rested on the surface. She felt... nostalgic. As if she had seen those eyes before.

Y/N's gag reflexes took the best of her as the image of Abigail passing away came to her head. A shiver ran through her entire body as she bent down, hugging her knees.

"Such an attentive one, aren't you?" He said.

Y/N took short distanced breaths. She needed to calm down.

"That's why this is going to be so easy," He said. "And the only thing you'll be left with is a passage to hell"

Y/N paused. Her body shivered slightly as Wooyoung frowned. She was scared to hell now?

But the sound suddenly grew in volume. It was her turn to laugh, her head looking up at the surprised demon. He suddenly felt cold, as if his blood had just froze on its way through his veins.

"I'm forever meant for hell" She said. "Didn't you notice?"

Wooyoung looked at her, a sense of confusion taking over his chest. Her laugh grew even louder, but the sound began to morph into sobs. He looked at her figure and felt as though something didn't match.

"How would you know that? Defying the word of a demon?" He said, a sense of anger sitting in his veins.

The laughter stopped.

"You have never met the demon that sent me to hell" She said softly. "But you can always try"

Y/N's mind suddenly took over her vision. Pain and cries took over her ears as she felt every scar seemingly re-open. Every whip and chain. Every burn, be it hot or cold. Every punishment. Every string she was forced to pull.

She took a deep breath, forcing herself into the silence of the room. A comfort she found so strangely relieving. The black out of one of her senses.

She opened her eyes, and the demon was gone from her site. She blinked a few times, feeling fully alone for once.

Her gaze lowered to the floor. A nap would be nice.


Y/N examined the wounds and flinched. It could get infected if she didn't do something.

She stared at the bedsheet before ripping a piece of it. As she worked on the now blatantly bleeding wound, a hand landed on her shoulder. But it didn't surprise her anymore.

"Who is Jennifer?" He asked.

"Pardon?" She answered.

"Who is she?" He asked again. His voice right inside her skull.

"One of us" She said. "Young, but mature. A soul full of remorse. The daughter of great people, but an awful childhood. A refugee to every bad in the world"

"Was she close to Abigail?" He asked, his voice somehow losing volume.

"Yes" She said. "And so many more."

Y/N smiled at the thought. "Those two were part of what I call the friend grab. They knew everyone in the convent, forming genuinely relationships"

Y/N swallowed. That was until she arrived up to the surface, wasn't it? Did she use them without noticing? Did she ruin their lives? Did she become the catalyst to their separate demises?

"Well, she's dead,"

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