Chapter 5

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A nervous and dreadful feeling stayed at the pit of Y/N's stomach as she entered the chapel. Her idea had run through her mind all night and day. Maybe it could work. Maybe she could do it again. But something in her begged to not live it once more.

She sat on one of the chairs and took a deep breath, closing her eyes.

"Why is it so hard to just agree?" He said, but his voice was outside her head.

Y/N ignored his words as she just concentrated on the silence.

The chair creaked as Wooyoung moved. His frustration now on audible movement that just seemed to be outside her head. He was now part of her environment. He changed the way she thought. He controlled the way she presented herself. He molded her into a different human. She was still the little mouse. She still explored. She still knew things, webbed scenarios. But with someone watching over her every thought and word, as if he was part of what pumps blood through her system.

"A simple and small yes will see you free of me. You just need to hear me, help me find this thing. I just need you to help me find it." He said, his words carrying a desperation of the sort. That one that lingers. He's begging.

But Y/N remained quiet, trying her damn hardest to just block him out.

"I'm not here for you. I'm not here to take you. I'm sure to take something else. Abigail didn't have it. I believe someone else have it. Someone in this place has it. I'm asking you to help me get it. That's it" He said, the chair creaking again. He was now facing her. She flinched. "I need that soul"

A soul... That of what's described to be the essence of someone's being. Was that something real? A tangible, physical thing? Or was it something fully given to things like Wooyoung? What was that for him? What was that like?

Y/N opened her eyes. Her gaze was somewhat lost inside the stone walls of the chapel.

She just needed to ask Mother.

"You really want to suffer through it again?" Wooyoung asked, a smugness attached to his words. "You think you can go a second time?"

"A fourth" She muttered as she stood up.

She bowed before making her way out. She needed to find Mother. See if she could get another plan. Maybe get isolation, instead of intensive cleansing. She just needed to find a way to push the demon hosting onto her flesh out of there. Maybe annoy him enough to leave.

Her eyes lit up as she spotted the rather grim woman. A sight that never brought joy to anyone inside the convent. But at this moment, anything else would gifther joy.

"What if I brought Abigail back?" Wooyoung suddenly said.

Y/N breath caught in her throat as she stopped. It felt as if she had just been punched right in the gut with a force strong enough to compare to a gunshot.

"Just give me what I want, and it'll be as if she never passed away." There was a toast to his tone. A mockery of what her grieving looked like.

Y/N swallowed as she rushed her steps just a little more.

"Mother?" She asked softly, not noticing how fast she had come to be in the woman's presence.

"Yes?" Mother asked, not looking away from her task at hand. That of what Y/N had no idea of.

"May I get..." Y/N felt as if words had never come out her mouth before. She could take it back. Never do it again. "May I get isolation?"

The older woman stopped, a deep frown upon her face.

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