~1~ Wake Up

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Ellie's POV

Have you ever been dreaming, and know that you're dreaming, but you can't wake up? That's how I've been feeling for the last two years.

Everyday I expect to wake up, but everyday I can't. I never knew that this kind of happiness existed. Sure, you watch it in movies and read about it in books—The endings are so full of love that it makes you want to puke. Real life isn't like that. There are no unicorns pooping rainbows in real life. Life is hard. Life can suck. Life in unpredictable.

So, here I sit, waiting for myself to wake up. To go back to the time, two years ago, when I was alone. Just my son, Liam, and I...alone.

Don't get me wrong, we have Liam's dad in our lives; however, Alex is more like a big brother to Liam. He's only around for the good stuff.

As I'm laying here under my warm blankets, not yet opening my eyes, I wonder silently if this is the day I'm going to wake up. Suddenly I feel a strong, muscular arm wrap around my waist, pulling me back so I'm lying spoon style against him.

I feel him nuzzle his nose into my neck and kiss me softly.

"Good morning, beautiful," he says, his voice still thick with sleep.

I turn to face him, and I silently breathe a sigh of relief. I'm good, I'm still dreaming. I would have to be dreaming. There's no way I could be lying in bed with a man like him if I wasn't. He's perfect.

I smile at him as I run my thumb against the dimple he has in his chin. His strong chin. There's nothing about Taylor that isn't strong. I guess with being a firefighter, it isn't surprising...running into burning buildings for a living—That takes strength.

He kisses me suddenly, taking my breath away. How does he do that? We've lived together for 2 years; how do I still feel this way about him? I expected by now to be in the "comfort zone" couples talk about. We're not though. He still gives me butterflies, he still makes me nervous.

I kiss him back as he moves on top of me. The thrill of that sends shivers down my spine. I cannot get enough of him. I trace my fingers over the muscles in his back, feeling them tighten at my touch. He adjusts his weight so he's bearing most of it, and chuckles softly.

"What do you say we pick up where my dream left off, huh?" He asks with a spark in his eye.

It's a long time before we make it out to the kitchen. Our impromptu morning left us scrambling to get ready and to work on time.

Thankfully our commute is a short one. When we decided to move in together, we moved to a different apartment complex that was closer to the station. We wanted a place that was both of ours. A new start. A new beginning.

We get there with minutes to spare. Before we walk in, he squeezes my hand and kisses my lips softly. "Stay safe today," he says to me seriously.

"You too, Lieutenant," I say back with a smile.

We say this to each other at the start of every shift; It's our own special ritual. This job is dangerous. Either one of us might not make it home at night.

Once we go through those doors, we're no longer Ellie and Taylor, the couple. We're Ellie Freeman PIC (Paramedic in Charge) and Lieutenant Preston. We decided that early on; We had to establish boundaries. We hardly even hold hands when we're there.

We go inside and head to the locker room to change out, greeting our friends as we enter. Most of the men are still here. The only people who aren't are Myers, Marcus, and Jacobs.

I walk into roll call with Megan, my partner and best friend. She's telling me about the horrible date she went on last night, and I listen sympathetically. I'm silently thanking the heavens that I don't have to deal with dating; I've found my one true love.

We get in the meeting room and sit down. Taylor and Greene are in their normal spots in the back, chatting with each other. The difference between My Taylor, and Lieutenant Preston are astounding. My Taylor is fun, energetic, and goofy. He doesn't take life too seriously. Carefree, if you will.

However, Lieutenant Preston is serious. He doesn't put up with a lot of anything. While he's fair, he's strict—He expects perfection out of his men. I'm so thankful that I have My Taylor. I still don't much care for Lieutenant Preston.

Chief Ryder starts talking, and we start listening. He goes over the basics, and in all honesty, I start to zone out. He then says something that catches my attention.

"I would like to introduce you all to the new person on truck. This is Jessica Moss, I know that you will all make her feel welcome."

Now, don't misunderstand me when I say I'm not a jealous person. I'm not. I give everyone a fair shake, and I'm kind to everyone. Right away, however, my radar is going off. A siren blowing in my ear, warning me that a hurricane is coming. My dream is ending, and I needed to prepare.

This girl is cute. Not beautiful, necessarily, but cute. The confidence that exudes her is what has my attention. She's confident, and maybe a little bit cocky. She isn't big, by any means, but she's heavier than me. More muscular. Stronger.

She scans the room expectantly.

I'm jealous.

I'm mad at myself for being mad at a girl I've now seen for 15 seconds. I start to dismiss my feelings, laughing to myself, when suddenly I see her gaze shift.

She's staring directly at Lieutenant Taylor Preston. This confident, cocky girl has spotted her prey, and she's going to start her hunt.

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