~27~ Crazy

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Ellie's POV

Megan and I are goofing around with Greene. I found out a while ago that Megan has a huge crush on him; She has for years and I never knew anything about it. She let it slip one day during our Pepsi and Gardetto run.

I can see why she likes him—Wes is handsome. He isn't big and bulky, he's more the lean and muscular type. They would be a beautiful couple, and I'm determined for there to be love at the firehouse again. The problem is, however, that Megan is shy. Greene isn't shy as "Lieutenant," but Wes Greene is also very shy. So, getting them together is gonna take some work.

I've officially taken on this task, and I take my jobs VERY seriously. Ellie Freeman, reporting for duty.

We're standing next to the ambulance, goofing around, when all of a sudden I hear Jessica.

"You and I need to have a chat, Freeman."

As I turn to look at her, I'm immediately staring at the end of a gun. Greene starts to move in front of me, but Jessica starts to scream.

"Wes, you move ONE. MORE. INCH...And she's dead. Move back. You too Megan."

She waves the guns spastically at Megan and Wes, and I close my eyes. Please don't let my best friend die.

Keegan and Mack are out of their seats in an instant, and I see Diego run to the back, getting on his radio as he does. I know instantly that he's getting Ryder and Preston.

I know I need to do something, so as calmly as I can, I start talking. "What can I do for you today, Moss?"

"What can you do for me? You can STAY AWAY FROM MY MAN!!!" She screams as she gets closer to me. It's apparent that she's out of her mind. She isn't just a creep anymore. She needs help.

I see Diego, Ryder, and Preston running into the bay, stopping as soon as they see the gun. Taylor starts walking again, slowly, towards Jessica.

I shake my head quickly at him, telling him to stop. I know he's going to charge her. I also know that her hand is on the trigger. If she pulls it, I'm getting shot.

"If you want him, he's all yours. We've been broken up for months," I say, holding my hands out to her.

"Yes I know!" She says in a condescending tone. "That's the only reason you're still alive right now. I've been watching your every move lately. Funny thing, though, I watched you guys move back in together a few days ago. You're gonna move out. Now."

"I hear what you're saying," I say carefully. "I'm sorry, Jessica. I didn't realize that this would hurt you. Of course I'll move out. All you had to do was ask."

She thinks about this for a moment, but decides that she isn't satisfied with that answer. "You had to be a little slut and get yourself pregnant. He'd be with me right now if he didn't feel obligated to you,"  she says, moving towards me again and getting the gun closer to my head.

"You're right, baby. She ruined everything," Taylor croons. "Come on, give me the gun and we'll talk about this. I've only ever loved you. I'm sorry I've been pretending I haven't."

She looks at him for the first time, and her face softens. "I'm still upset with you. You've hurt me."

"I know I have. Let me make it up to you," he says, inching closer.

She knows he's playing her. She steps even closer to me, now shoving the gun against my temple.

"Stay away from me Taylor. One more step and she's dead."

Taylor moves back a few paces, immediately making Jessica relax a little.

Just then Alex, along with several other officers, arrive in the bay. Alex immediately locks eyes on me, his face is pure terror.

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