~38~ Proposal

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Taylor's POV

Almost exactly a year ago today, my life was shattered into a million pieces. I never thought I could be happy again. However, today I'm going to be proposing to my girl. We've been back together for only a month, but it's been the best month of my entire life. I don't want to waste another minute before I ask her to be mine, forever.

I've been a nervous wreck all week; I think Ellie is starting to notice. I've got everything all set. Liam is going to babysit Sasha for us while we go to dinner. I'm going to "forget" something at the firehouse, and we'll have to go there before we can make the reservation. 

The firehouse is where we met, and I decided I wanted to make it where we get engaged, too. Megan and Keegan's wife have been decorating the outside of the firehouse all day. Liam and Alex are planning on heading to the station as soon as we leave so they can make it on time.

She's in the kitchen, making some lunch, when I come in from the bedroom. "Want some help?" I ask as I come up behind her and wrap my arms around her, kissing her cheek.

"Sure," she says, reaching up to kiss my lips. "You want to shred the lettuce?"

"Yes ma'am," I say as I do as she asked. I'm thinking more about what I'm going say to her tonight, and less about the knife I'm holding, and I nick my finger on the blade.

"Ouch!" I say as I stick my finger in my mouth, trying to stop the blood.

"You ok, babe?" She asks as she pulls my finger out of my mouth and inspects it. She reaches for the first aid kit and starts fixing my finger.

"You're pretty sexy when you go into paramedic mode."

"Yeah well, don't make a habit out of slicing your finger, ya goof," says as she smacks me on the backside and smiles gently.

"How about you sit, and I'll shred the lettuce," she says as she pushes me to the chair.

"You work, and I sit? Don't mind if I do," I say as I reach over and pick Sasha up off the floor before I sit down in the chair, giving Sasha several kisses as I do.

"What restaurant did you say we're going to, tonight?"

"Um, Kerringtons," I say, trying not to sound suspicious.

"Hmmm," she says quietly as she makes the salad.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong, I just thought I heard that it got shut down last month," she says, scrunching her face  to try and remember. "I must be thinking of another place."

I say nothing. Instead, I take a piece of tomato out of the salad bowl and eat it.

"Hey," she says as she pretends to slap my hand. "Patience is something you should be teaching your daughter. Be an example."

"I'm teaching my daughter that she needs to take what she wants in this life." I say, raising my eyebrows and taking another tomato out of the bowl.

Ellie just rolls her eyes as she gets down the salad bowls and pours us some water.

The rest of the afternoon goes by quickly. While Ellie is in the bathroom getting ready for our "date," I'm on the phone with several people, making sure the last minute details are in order. Liam gets here on time, and takes Sasha from me so I can get myself ready too. I love how much he loves her. She's always going to have her big brother on her side. He immediately grabs her and starts blowing on her tummy, making her laugh.

I get myself ready, and go back out to the living room. "You clean up nice," Liam says as he laughs. He's actually making fun of me, he just doesn't want to get pounded for it. I hate dressing up. I have on a black suit with a navy blue tie. I never wear this crap. But, you gotta dress to impress, and I'm trying to impress the most beautiful woman on this planet.

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