~2~ Trouble

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Taylor's POV

I'm really not feeling like working this shift today. After the morning I just had with my girl, I wanna go back and have a good afternoon with her too.

I still can't believe that I get to call her that. My girl. There was a time that I would've done anything to even just get her to look in my direction.

These last two years have been the best of my life. So good, in fact, Megan and I went ring shopping the other day. In one month, I'm proposing to my girl. I'm planning it all out; I've even got her dad and twin brother flying here from LA to be a part of it.

Normally, I would've asked her dad for his daughter's hand in marriage...but they don't really have much of a relationship. I've only seen him a handful of times in the last year. Instead, I did the next best thing.

I asked Liam.

That kid is my buddy. We almost lost him two years ago, and that was the darkest day of my life. Since then, we have been inseparable. I dread the days he goes to Alex's house. I miss him.

I barely even got the words out before Liam yelled "Heck yes!!! It's about time!"

He smiles and gives me the biggest hug. It made me feel good that he wants me to be his step-dad.

I also checked with Alex. I know that's not really customary. Girlfriend's best friend/father to her child and all could be a little hairy. Thankfully though, Alex and I get along fine. I thought I needed to at least give him the heads up, since this involves his son. I would expect the same courtesy if the roles were reversed.

To my relief, Alex was thrilled.

"Besides Liam, you're the best thing to ever happen to her, Taylor. I can't think of anybody I would rather have as a step-dad to Liam."

That really made me feel good. I don't agree with all of his choices—Especially when it comes to the way he refuses to discipline his son. He's a good guy, though. I can see why he and Ellie are best friends.

As roll call is going on, I just keep staring at the back of Ellie's head. I just can't get enough of her. She's got her hair pulled back in a French braid, with the top of her hair poofed up a little bit. I swear, this girl could shave her head, and still be the most beautiful woman on this planet.

As Chief drones on, I see a door open out of the corner of my eye. A girl walks in, late twenties, and goes to stand up by Chief. Man, this girl is.....Bold? There's not an ounce of anxiousness to her. Who is she?

"I would like to introduce you all to the new person on truck. This is Jessica Moss, I know you will all make her feel welcome," Chief says, smiling at her.

She isn't really all that interesting. She's 5'6 or 5'7, and average build. Her hair is auburn, and it hangs straight down. She's gonna have to pull her hair back if she wants to work here, I think to myself. If she was on squad, I would have to ding her for that already.

I'm instantly grateful that she's not in my unit—She won't have to report to me. From the looks of her, she's trouble. The way she's staring at me is unnerving, and it's making me feel uncomfortable.

Does Ellie notice this?

Ellie isn't a jealous person. That's one thing I love most about her. She never drills me with accusatory questions if I go and get a beer with the guys. She never looks through my phone when she thinks I'm not looking. She never does any of the things that I've had girls do to me in the past.

For some reason, however, I feel like I need to explain myself to Ellie. This girl doesn't even hold a candle to her. Why am I so nervous?

Roll call gets over, and we all go to our daily tasks. I decide to head to my office to get caught up on a little paperwork.

When I pass Ellie, I catch her glance and wink at her quickly. We try to keep it as professional as we can while we're working. Before I can get to my office though, Jessica stands in my way, blocking me.

I stop quickly and look at her, surprised.

"Are you Lieutenant Preston?" She asks me, blinking her eyes one too many times.

"I am" I have a feeling she already knew that.

"I've heard good things about you, Lieutenant. I look forward to working with you."

As she's saying this, she's tilting her head to one side slightly. This girl is DEFINITELY gonna be trouble.

"Just make sure you get your hair pulled back before Greene dings you. That's a violation," I say coldly as I move past her.

That was a little rude. I should have been nicer to hershe's only been here 10 minutes! There's just something about her, though. Something I don't like. I don't want anything to do with her.

The morning goes by quickly and easily. I get my paperwork done, and decide that I want to run a few drills with my crew. A call last week didn't go as smoothly as I liked.

Oh, we got the victim out of the car just fine, but there were a few things that went a little sloppy. Getting the jaws out took a little longer than it should have, and getting the door taken off went a little rough. We should have been better. I know I'm hard on my guys, but people's lives are on the line.

We have to be perfect.

Drills are done, and I'm satisfied. I start looking around for Ellie; I haven't seen her all day. As I round the corner to the locker room, I see Jessica again. Is this girl following me?

"Hey Lieutenant. My hair is pulled back now, is this acceptable?" She asks, as she fluffs out her ponytail.

Before I can say anything, I see Ellie walk in and look at me with a weird expression on her face.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" She asks, her eyes hard.

Uh oh.

"Sure," I say as I follow her out of the room.

I wonder what's going on.

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