~20~ Nothing

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Taylor's POV

As I'm sitting in the waiting room while Ellie is getting her hand set, I start chuckling out loud. Liam looks up at me, as he tries to decide if I've finally lost my mind. I look up at him as I explain.

"The first time I met your mom, she was in Ryder's office. I took one look at her and was convinced she wouldn't last more than a couple weeks. She's a tiny little thing, ya know? Watching your mom lay out a guy who is, like, three times bigger than her was the best moment of my life."

She amazes me, every day.

Liam chuckles too. "Yeah, Uncle Jake is scary, but mom has always been scarier."

"Yeah, well, she just loves ya, kid." I say, still smiling.

I'm going to be replaying that moment over and over in my head for the rest of my life. The crunch when his nose broke was satisfying. I hate that guy so much.

Ellie comes out a while later with a splint on her wrist.

"How bad?" I ask as I inspect the splint.

"Eh, not bad. I'll be out of this in a few weeks. You should see the other guy!" She says with a goofy smile.

I smile back, thankful that I get to see this side of her again. I thought I lost that privilege forever.

I take them back to her apartment. It's the first time I've been in it, and I'm stunned by what I see...She has barely anything.

"Ellie, where's all your stuff?" I ask, looking around horrified.

"I'm replacing slowly."

I'm such an idiot. I never thought to give her our furniture. I just assumed she had stuff, and that's why she didn't take anything for herself. I should have known though. Ellie wouldn't have left me without. She would rather go without herself than make me suffer.

"I'll get you our couch tonight." This will be the last night that they watch TV on lawn chairs.

"I don't want it," she says quickly—seriously. I know immediately why she doesn't want it. She doesn't want anything that reminds her of our life together.

"Ok, fine. Then let's go now and I'll buy you a couch. And a better TV. This one sucks," I say as I grab my keys.

"Yes please!!!!! A 52 inch would fit perfectly!" Liam says.

"Zip it, Liam. You're in so much trouble. Go to your room," she says, her tone icy. He doesn't argue. He knows better than to cross her when she sounds like that.

"We're fine, Taylor. Liam isn't going without."

"I know that, but you are. Do you even have a bed?" I ask as I go into her bedroom without thinking.

"Taylor, quit," she says, too late. I'm already standing in her bedroom.

"Ellie!! Why didn't you tell me? You don't even have a bed! You've been sleeping on just a mattress this whole time?" I ask, appalled. I'm such a freaking idiot.

She looks at me dead in the eyes as she speaks: "Taylor, I left you. It's my responsibility to replace the furniture, and I will."

I just stare at her, silently. I can't believe what I'm hearing.

"I did this to us. Not you. Let's go. I'm at least buying you a couch, TV, and bed. It's the very least I can do. In a couple months, you're really not gonna want to just have a mattress." I know she's going to fight me on this.

"I said we're fine. I've got enough saved, that I can buy a couch with the next check."

"Yeah, and when will you buy a bed?" I press.

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