~21~ Paranoid

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Ellie's POV

I'm sitting outside of Liam's room, crying. I've heard everything that went on in there. Why can't I look past what he did? This man is the best man I've ever known. The way he stopped punishing him the moment he knew something was wrong. The love that pours from him is unmatched. I will never love another man the way that I love him.

That reality hurts me. It hurts because even though I know I still love him, that's as far as it can go. My dad cheated on my mom when we were young, and it broke her; She left us. I haven't seen my mom in 19 years. I hardly ever talk to my dad. I guess I've
never truly forgiven him.

Taylor knew all of this. I told him from the very beginning. That's why he couldn't tell me once it happened; He knew I'd be out. He knew there were no technicalities with this. No gray area. He knew that was my one rule in our relationship. I could forgive everything. Everything that is, except cheating.

I get up and try to collect myself before he comes back out. As soon as he comes out and looks at me though, he knows.

"Why were you crying?"

"You're just, just a really good guy," I say, smiling a little.

Immediately his back stiffens and anger flashes across his face.

"No I'm not," He says darkly. "I'll see ya at the station," he says as he turns and leaves.

He hasn't forgiven himself. I wonder how much he's really suffering.

The next day we just hang around the apartment. Money is tight, so going to do anything fun is out of the question. My hand is bothering me some, so I put off the cleaning I had planned. Liam is grounded, so I've been making him work on cleaning and organizing his room all morning.

Around 1pm, there's a knock at the door.

When I open it, two men are there.

"Can I help you?" I ask confused. I'm not expecting anyone.

"I've got a delivery for Ellie Freeman," the man with the clipboard says.

"I'm sorry, there must be a mistake. I didn't order anything," I say, about to slam the door in their faces. You hear about these kinds of scams all the time.

"We've got an invoice here that a Mr. Taylor Preston paid for a television, couch, and coffee table to be delivered to this address," he continues, sounding annoyed.

Of course he did! I open the door, but say nothing. They set everything inside and leave, and I just stare. This man just bought Liam the 52 inch TV he asked for. I roll my eyes as I let out a sigh. How can I accept this?

Another knock on the door surprises me. What now? A bedroom set?

Taylor is at the door, looking like a kid who got caught sneaking candy before dinner.

"Before you get mad and make me take it all back, just hear me out."

He's holding out his hands, trying to make me listen to reason before I pounce and attack him.

"I got to thinking, that when the baby gets here, I'm gonna need something to help me stay awake. A big television set just makes sense. If you need help in the middle of the night, you can go to sleep, and I can stay up with the baby. I'm gonna need something, right? And, I mean, I don't wanna rock a baby in a lawn chair. I did this for me, Ellie," he pauses. I've never seen him like this before. He's prattling. Taylor doesn't prattle. Not ever.

"I didn't realize you would be staying over when the baby gets here," I say, surprised by his thought process.

He's quiet for a minute before he speaks. "You said I could be as involved as I want. Well, I want to be here. For everything. I think once it gets closer to the time, that we should move back in together. Just so I can be there for the baby."

He stops, gauging my response.

"Taylor, you would have a better chance getting Keegan to run a mile than you will trying to convince me to agree to live together. Absolutely not."

"You and Alex lived together," he argues, already looking sad.

"That was different. He lived with my dad and my brothers and me. We didn't move out until we were 18."

"Just think about it. We would get a place that has three bedrooms. We would each get our own room, and Liam would take the third. The baby can stay with you. Please just think about it."

"No, Taylor."

He can't ask that of me.

He sighs in defeat and turns to the TV. "Just let me set it up for you."

"Fine," I agree and stalk out of the room. I just need a minute to clear my head.

I hear a door open, and Liam starts squealing like a little girl. He got his TV, the little chump. The boys are goofing around and being weird when I see something out of the corner of my eye outside. I go
to the window and I see Jessica standing across the street, looking in.

"Um Taylor?" I say, feeling creeped out.

"Yeah?" He turns around and stands up immediately. He doesn't like my tone.

I don't say anything, I just point towards the window. He comes over to me and looks out. His back immediately stiffens and his teeth clamp together.

"I'll be right back."

I watch as he goes outside and confronts her. She tries to grab his hand, but he yanks it away. She has huge hand gestures going on, but Taylor just stands completely still. Suddenly he turns back and walks to the apartment building, leaving Jessica alone, crying. She gets in her car and drives off.

He's furious when he comes back inside. He doesn't say anything for a long moment, when suddenly he comes over to me.

"I'm sorry," he says, rage still in his voice. "She's been following me lately. She just crossed the line, coming to your place though. I'm gonna talk to Chief about getting her transferred. I've been trying to give her the benefit of the doubt, but I'm done."

He doesn't say anything else as he goes back over to
Liam and helps him get some settings adjusted on the TV.

He leaves about an hour later, after he moves the couch and table how I want, and gets everything cleaned up.


Liam and I are watching TV after dinner, sitting on our new couch and watching a movie on the huge TV. I hate to admit it, but it's really nice. Suddenly I feel like I'm being watched. I look out the window, but I can't see anything; It's too dark. I definitely feel like I'm being watched, though. I shut the blinds and lock the door.

I'm getting paranoid.

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