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A/N: Be sure to read the authors note at the end. 

 "What are you doing here?" Marilyn growls, her eyes violently neon that they frighten even me.

"None of which is your concern." The man waves a hand in the air as if to dismiss Marilyn.

Marilyn glares at him and starts toward him, fist in the air. I motion her to wait and signal her with my eyes to stay right behind me. She eyes him suspiciously but follows my request.

He turns towards me. "Now this is your concern," he says, pointing at me.

I roll my eyes, my hands on my hip. "How may it concern me?" I ask mockingly.

"Did you forget who I am? We used to be friends." I roll my eyes again.

"How can I forget? You offered me a nice place to stay for 8 years." I say sarcastically. "After all, I did repay you by relieving you of this cruel world," I add with a smirk. "But that doesn't explain how you're back and why you are here, does it?"

"Of course not. But as I recall, we have told you all of that already. How we are back, why we are know that already. And I believe it was a rather memorable truth for you." His mouth forms into a malicious grin with the last sentence. What had happened? None of this made sense. And I most definitely didn't know what was going on.

I decide to pretend I did know whatever was going on right now. "Ah yes. Of course, it caused me a lot of emotional trauma. I'm sure you guys enjoyed that. Now, will you please come back another time, so we can discuss this matter on more private terms." I stick my nose in the air, hoping to show some empowerment. "Now go." I wave my hand mimicking the way he waved his hand at Marilyn.

He did not appreciate the gesture. His mouth tightens into a fine line. "I'd rather have it done right now." His mouth morphs into a mischievous simper. "That is, if you remember about the deal. Do you remember the deals you signed into? Or do I need to remind you?"

"Of course I do!" I respond as if appalled by even the slightest thought of forgetfulness.
He leans back against the door. "Of course you do." He repeats mockingly, thinking it over. "But I agree that we should discuss it on more private terms." he nods, agreeing, gesturing to Marilyn.

I look over my shoulder to her. She glares daggers at me. Her eyes narrowed and looking at me with her frightening neon eyes. She looks almost betrayed. Shuddering at the sight, I look away, biting at my lips.

It's only an act. I remind myself. You'll tell her everything later.

I didn't know why I could trust her with my life after just meeting her. Maybe it was because she was the only other person at the asylum. Maybe it was because she knew Draco. Maybe it was because she told me the truth about Draco. Or maybe it was because I know she trusted me with all her life, I felt obligated to trust her with mine.

"So..." I say breaking the deafening silence. "How about you come back in 20 hours? By then, I'll take care of the witness. Is that all right?"

He stands up straight, the door squeaking with the sudden movement. "I'll be back. 20 hours. 2 days is all you get. Unless you don't want to see True again." He walks out, slamming the door behind.

I try to keep my face serene. On the inside, I was in an absolute state of confusion. What kind of a deal had I made? One with True's life at stake?

I turn around to face Marilyn. She smiles a bittersweet smile. Before I can open my mouth, I see a blur of movement and feel a searing pain under my ribcage. I fly back hitting the glass wall and double over. I look up to see Marilyn standing above me, smiling at her fist.

"'Take care of the witness'" She quotes me. "What are you going to do, vanish me?" She retorts, an amused expression on her face.
I roll my eyes and stand up, looking her in the eye. "Of course not."

"Then what? Torture and hide?" She asks with a bored tone. "You were working with them in the first place, weren't you? Or were you so stupid and blind to think they would help?"

I scowl. "That's absurd! Do you even hear yourself? And even I know that I'm not that stupid or blind. And I'm not going to do anything to you." I say, the rage in my violet eyes combating her neon green eyes.

"It sure seemed like it." She scowls back, but her eyes softening.

"It's called acting. It's something you pick up over the years of being hidden from the world."

She decides whether to trust me for a moment. "Alright, I believe you. But what was all that about? What deal was he talking about?" She questions me. A wave of relief washes over me. At least I won't have to worry about Marilyn hitting me in the stomach again, I think sarcastically.

"The truth is that...even I don't know. That's why I made an excuse to get me more time to figure things out. Now that I think of it," I pause. "that deal must have been what the big thing that was stolen from my mind was. I'm not sure how it caused me that much emotional pain, but it must've been because of all the stress since True's life is at stake." I explain to Marilyn.

She nods, taking it all in. "So, what you need to do is get your memories back."

I nod. "And I have 2 days to do so. I need to figure out what deal I had made with them."

She smirks. "I may know a way to get your memories back." I look at her curiously. "That was why I said I have information for you," she explains. "We are going to get your memories back." 

A/N: First of all, sorry for the short chapter. Nothing really exciting happened in this chapter. 

Second, sorry about the long wait, I've been procrasinating a lot. 

Third, I'm gonna take a break for a few weeks from posting a new chapter. I reread my story and realized that it's really cringy at points and there are a lot of plotholes. So therefore, I'm taking a break and editing the whole story so it is better. Before you read the next chapter I post, you might want to reread the story from the beginning again because there are some thing I don't like that are going to be changed. Comment your opinion on this.

Thanks for understanding!

Remember to vote, comment, and enjoy!


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