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How could she forget that Ricky probably was still in love with Nini

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How could she forget that Ricky probably was still in love with Nini. Ricky turned around to look at the girl in shock. "I've loved you since the first time you picked up your guitar and you wrote a song about clouds, a silly little song about clouds. I love you." Nini held a big smile on her face while Ricky stood there in shock. He didn't want to hurt her feelings. How was he supposed to tell her that he loves Kayla. "And that night in my room when I told you I love you, I know you meant to say it back. You wanted to say it back." Kayla closed her eyes feeling a tear roll down her cheek of course Nini still loved him. Who wouldn't? He was such a nice and caring guy. "And I know you've kicked yourself every day since then because you couldn't say it. But I do, I love you."

Nini chuckled seeing his reaction she knew he was in shock but she also knew he loved her. That hasn't changed at least she thought. "I loved you since seventh grade when you made me ride the front row of Demon's Destiny at Six Flags, and I told you sometimes I get a little seasick on roller coasters, and you said, 'Come on, live a little'." Ricky nodded remembering that time. His face was in shock mixed with confusion. He didn't know what to say or how to let her down. "I remember." Is all he could say. He stood there with mixed emotions. "Yeah. And then you puked all over my shoes and I didn't even make you feel bad about it." Nini laughed remembering that day every well and Ricky chuckled trying to lighten up the mood a little. "No. I just said, um.."

"No worries. I've been wanting to get rid of these shoes for a while." The boy tried to give her a smile but you could tell it was hard for him. "Yeah, because I outgrew them. The thing is.. I never outgrew you. And I don't really know what happens tomorrow, or in two minutes when we walk out that door. All I know is.. I want this feeling to keep going." Ricky could only nod at what she was saying. He had tears in his eyes not because of what she was saying but because he knew he had to find a way to let her down without hurting her too much. "Because this whole experience.. I'm just.. I'm not ready for it to be over. For us to be, I mean." The blonde looked down at the ground and nodded. Yeah he's gone she thought to herself. Walking away from the room she made her way towards the locker room to change. She limped there but she didn't mind at all. The pain on her ankle and stomach were as big as the pain she was feeling in her heart. 

Letting tears fall down her cheek she made sure she didn't sob. She was holding her sobs in. The blonde finally made it to the locker room but before going in she wiped her tears away and placed a fake smile on her face. She couldn't let them see how broke she was right now. Walking in the room she heard everyone cheer for her and clap. "Kayla! Kayla!" She only laughs and smiles at everyone. "We all decided that you get to choose where the trophy gets placed." Coach handed her the trophy which she accepted. "Well is it okay if I think about it and bring it back tomorrow?" Coach only nodded pulling the girl into a hug. He was so proud of the young girl for killing it tonight.

Ricky looked at Nini not knowing what to say his mouth would fall open but nothing would come out of it. She was waiting for him to say something to her. She needed to know what he felt towards her. "Nini.. I love you yeah." Hearing him say that made a smile grow on her face and her eyes started to light up. She walked closer to him but he took a step back looking at her trying to find the right words. "But I love you as a friend." Her face fell a little and at that moment Ricky grabbed her hand. If only he had the mind of Kayla he would know how to let Nini down without hurting her. "A lot of things changed after we broke up. You started dating EJ. Me and Kayla solved our conflict and now we are better than ever. Kayla has been there for me since the start."

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