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-Grace's pov-

I finished my milkshake and put my glass in the sink. No I didn't wash it because it isn't my turn to wash the dishes. It's Grant's.

sucks to suck biatch.

I walked into the oh so familiar training room. And got to well training. 

A/N: this gets repetitive to talk about so I'll probably just skip the training unless something important happens.

-time skip-

We all finished training and we went inside. I decided to talk to the girls because it feels like I haven't talked to them in forever. The boys went up to the gaming room, not that that shocked anybody though, they practically live in there. 

I went upstairs into Enya's room where the rest of the girls were talking. I sat down next to Maia and laid my head on her stomach as she played with my hair. If it wasn't obvious, I am closer with Maia than the other two. They are all my close close friends but Maia is my best friend. "Hey." I said.

"What's up?" Quinn said looking at me. 

"What do you mean?" I say looking at her confused.

"Well you only come in here to talk to all of us willingly when there is something you really want to talk about. So what's up." She says as the other two girls nod, agreeing with her. 

Dang, they know me too well.

"Okay fine you caught me. It's not that big of a deal it's just that paytonhasbeenactingweirdlatelyandidontknowwhybutwheniamaroundhimifeelthisweirdfeelingandidontknowwhatitisandimreallyconfused." I say super quick so that they hopefully don't understand too much. 

"What do you mean he's acting 'weird'" Enya asks, very confused. 

"He keeps smirking and winking at me and sometimes I'll see him looking at me. It's just- I don't know why. Whenever I'm around him I get this weird feeling that I've never felt with anyone else before." I say as the girls think to take in the information.

"I KNEW YOU GUYS LIKED EACH OTHER!" Maia screams while still playing with my hair. 

"What do you mean?" I say looking up to her.

"Isn't it obvious. Payton likes you and you like him." She says smiling.

"No, no I don't." I reply, lifting my head from her stomach.

"Yes, yes you do. You said you felt a feeling. Are you dumb? Clearly you felt butterflies because you like himmm." She says now smirking and wiggling her eyebrows.

She has to stop doing that.

"Yeah, I mean from what I heard, it seems like you both are too stubborn to accept the fact that you like each other." Enya says."I agree, we all know how stubborn you two can be. You guys are practically the same person in two different bodies." Quinn adds and the other girls nod and agree."I do not like him." I say before laying back down and staring at the ceiling.

It's Payton.


A/N: Do you guys want a face reveal? Cause like idk. If you don't want one that's fine but maybe people wanna know. Anyways that's all and I'm going to go take a shower.

thanks for reading <3

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