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Postman/Victor x reader

Requested by MirandaWinterbourne

A blush crept on the postman's cheeks as he watched you from afar. While you two were friends, Victor couldn't help but get shy around you, he wanted to be more than friends but was too scared to say anything. You always treated him so kindly, reassuring him and bringing him joy when he felt horrible. He wanted to pour his heart out to you, hold you tightly and kiss you. He had decided that writting you letters that held all his dear affection for you anonymously. Victor adored seeing your flustered reactions to his sweet words and hoped that maybe you would accept his confession once you found out was him. His eyes could never stop wondering over to your radiant smile or your adorable mannerisms. You were laughing with Vera and Demi about what the upcoming mode would be like.

"I already don't like Kevin carrying me but he's going to be a real nightmare there" Vera said with a laugh as Demi and you giggled in response. He couldn't help but smile at how carefree you were, hearts in his eyes he went back to his room to start writing his final letter as Wick followed behind.


It was getting late. Demi had offered to make drinks and you kindly refused, both out of fear of what she would make and you were never one to drink in general. The perfumer helped the intoxicated barmaid back to her room as she waved you good bye, blowing you a kiss in the process. You hummed as you made your way to your room, hoping that a letter was slipped under your door. You had been receiving several confession letters by the same person for the past month and not knowing who it is was driving you mad. Part of you hoped Victor had been sending them. Oh how the postman made your heart flutter, you adored how humble he was, always putting everyone before him. Unfortunately you doubted that was the case. The blonde always seemed so skittish and nervous around you and it broke your heart knowing he probably wasn't that fond of you. You sighed and unlocked your door and sure enough there on the ground was letter. You softly smiled and picked it up, reading it's contents. You let out a dreamy giggle and neatly folded it up, putting it back on the envelope and placing it on your desk. You decided that you would finally write back. You sat down on the worm out wooden chair and took out a piece of paper and pen, arranging a meeting place for your secret admirer, you hoped whoever it was would comply and meet you at the garden. Once you finished writing, neatly signing it off in cursive you left in on your desk for the morning. You did your nightly routine and fell asleep, your mini jack looking over you.


You woke up, your hair looking like a spider's web and the sun right in your face, blinding you. You got into your usual attire, a smile plastered on your face as you remembered your plan. Once you made sure you didn't need anything from your room you grabbed the letter and your mini jack and walked out, shutting the door but placing the letter in the small opening, hoping that the sender would notice your letter.


Victor looked at your door fondly, feeling fuzzy as he approached with a neat letter in his hands as usual. He leaned down and slid the letter under your door only to be met with a letter peeking out of the door with a small 'read me!' in the corner. The postman jolted in shock, looking around to see if anyone was around before grabbing the letter. His heart skipped a beat once it mentioned meeting in the garden after hours. A soft blush decorated his face as be tried to calm his beating heart. He felt something soft on his leg and there was his dog Wick, looking up at him. The blonde smiled and pet the dog before saying

"Don't worry! I will go and confess!" He smiled brightly before walking off.


You had spent your time with Tracy and Luca, trying to help them work on their gadgets but ultimately just being there as company. As Tracy rambled on and on about her robot you suddenly jumped up making both survivors look at you in confusion.

"What's up, N/n?" Luca asked tilting his with a small frown, worried that something might be wrong.

"Oh I just forgot I had to meet with someone!" You awkwardly laughed, rubbing the back of your neck as Tracy perked up.

"Meet with someone??? Ohhhh who is it????" She asked smiling.

You playfully winked "I'm not telling" you responded with a smile. You knew if you told them you didn't know, both would tell you not to go because they would be worried, especially Luca who doesn't want anyone to go through the same things he had to endure. Both pouted and said there goodbyes as you ran off to the garden.

The blonde sat there, playing with the strap on his messenger bag, worried you ghosted him. He heard the door opened as he immediately tensed, panicking and regretting showing up.

"Victor.....?" Your soft voice suddenly said as you sat besides him "Are you the one sending me all those letters?"

The blonde shyly nodded, shutting his eyes, expecting rejection but it never came.

"Awww you're so sweet! I'm so glad we share the same feelings!" You giggled, wrapped your arms around him. Victor looked at you in shock, a few stray tears running down his face. You immediately wiped them away, placing a short kiss on his nose with a smile. Victor softly smiled, hugging you tightly. For once he felt appreciated and this moment couldn't stop him from falling even more for you. You both sat there, staring at the sky, thinking the same thing,

That you were both lucky to have each other.

Words: 1016

Haha look I wrote something soft for Vic I promise I don't hate him! He's just my #1 target when I need to write something wack. Anyways I'M SO DAMN EXCITED BECAUSE I'M GETTING A B BADGE FOR DREAM WITCH! LIKE????? I still haven't gotten Edgar and I completely forgot that Wu chang's S skin was coming so I don't have enough fragments for even his acc so R.I.P.
I'm nearing my 160th essence with no Edgar so wow was that I waste of money. Anyways Edgar you wanna give me a kiss sooooo bad.

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