Chapter 1

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The temperature was higher in the facility, or at least it felt higher than the previous facility's. It could've been the inviting atmosphere as the soldiers continued to fly in from their foster planets. It could've been from the change in scenery. But, most likely, it was from the Commander's pleasant attitude.

The planet that had harbored most of the soldiers as well as I had been evacuated first. The native residents of the planet, Zihapra, were only expecting a stay of a few months, not almost an entire rotation around their star. The locals were more than happy to see us leave.

I was excited to depart from Zihapra. Going from a dry and hot planet to the warmth of the current facility was a breath of fresh air, if a being could find air in the midst of space.

My doctor had accompanied me on Zihapra. The Commander assigned him by side. With our time spent together, I saw him grow as a figure much like a father to me. I hadn't had a relationship like that in some time, so a friendship with him gave me support in the stressful world of a soldier.

I had carried out a few missions while the facility was being rebuilt. The majority of them occurred on the Zihapra. I completed them alongside the newest recruits. Commander Lesperance explained to me that I was advising them, but I felt like I was another student just like them. The occasion where she would clear me to go to other planets with my team was always rare. Although, as time approached the completion of the facility, I was allowed on missions more frequently.

I was convinced she would allow me to accompany my team's most recent assignment. I hadn't received a clearance from her yet, but I was sure with my doctor's approval, I could convince her.

"Are you excited for this mission?" Doctor Clemmens asked as he tapped his pen on his clipboard.

I shrugged, "The work is the same. But I heard the planet is beautiful. Apparently, it has something called Ineeks there."

"Huh, what are they?" The doctor didn't give much attention, but I explained anyway.

"I think they are rivers that have this sort of shimmer on the surface. I have never seen them before, but they sound interesting. Aella told me they were beautiful."

Doctor Clemmens shook his head, "Mariona, it says nowhere on this list that you have been enrolled to go on this mission. I know you usually go with your team, but I haven't received notice that you would be going as well." He clearly hadn't paid any mind to my explanation.

I protested, "But, I always go with my team. It probably hasn't come through yet."

"Really?" I nodded. The doctor rolled his eyes. "Mariona, you would be departing in less than three hours. The notification that you would be going on a mission usually comes through two days before. Who told you about the mission anyways?"

"Harbin did."

"Did you receive any notice from the Commander?"

I shook my head, "No."

"She may not want you to go. Nalea is quite far. Also, I heard there are some enemy civilizations on Strinastea, which is right next to Nalea." The doctor offered his reasoning.

"I mean, there is no reason other than that why she wouldn't want me to go. I fought in Daotune, which had many civilizations. I got out of there alright."

"You are sure you are going?"

"Not so much anymore." My tone dropped.

Doctor Clemmens sighed, "Why don't you check up with her? You're clear with my tests to go. Here," he handed me my clearance note. "Everything is signed, just get the okay from her. You got that?"

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