Chapter 4

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"We need some sort of a truce, so," I slipped off the sleeve that hid my arm. The scarce blue glow of the wires that weaved throughout the metal bars barely illuminated the outside. I noticed Roan peer over towards my arm. I tossed the sleeve behind my back and watched as his eyes followed it.

He looked back to me once my hands almost slapped against the dirt. "You're going against what Lesperance wants?" He seemed truly confused.

I smirked, "It's one of the few ways I thought I could get you on my side."

He laughed softly. "I appreciate the gesture." I smiled reassuringly. "But, you know I will always be on your side, right?"

"We're kinda forced to be on the same side."

"Yeah. Sometimes, I feel like it would be best not to be on either side."

"But, we are on the good side." I commented. "We just want the galaxy to be filled with peace. No more wars, no more conflict, just bliss. They were the ones that started the tension." I slid my legs out so they laid flat on the ground.

Roan sighed, "There's good and bad on both sides. No person in any conflict is clean."

"Yeah, I can agree with that but I still can't agree that they can be any good. They are fueled with only wanting power. At least, that's what I've been told."

"Did Lesperance tell you that?"

"Nice guess, you are correct." I laughed.

He laughed and rolled his eyes, "Don't listen to everything she says, she's very fueled by her heart. You know, she gave me the mission to capture you; she told me not to mess up or she would mess me up."

"She probably only wanted me because...," I paused. "I don't know why, actually. She told me once that I was 'special'. I just thought it was because I had more abilities because I was a Gasmeican and she could use that to her advantage."

"That's all I could really think up too."

"Why did she choose you to facilitate the mission. Not any offense to you, I'm just wondering."

He stretched out his hands, "I'm not trying to brag, but I'm top spy so I carried out those obduction missions quite easily. I mean your indoctrination wasn't so easy, but at least I completed it for the most part."

"Easy?" I laughed, pointing to the scar across my forehead. "This is from your gun! I thought you were about to kill me."

He erupted in laughter, "Yeah, I'm not the best at getting people to a calm state after they've been chased and fallen out of a building. I apologize for my misfortune."

I smiled, "You know, you're not that bad. You're just a little... misunderstood. Maybe the team before Harbin and I should've given you a chance."

Roan's smile slowly faded, "Thanks, but that's not why I left them." His tone dipped and softened.

"Do you mind if I ask why you left them?"

He was silent for a second, then started with, "They didn't let me go with my sister. Do you remember the time I told you about Ravenna?" I nodded. "Yeah, she sacrificed herself, basically staying behind to her death while the other two dragged me back to the ship." He gave a small laugh, but I could clearly hear the sadness in the back of his voice. "I wanted to go with her, because she was my sister. I regret, every single day, that I didn't go with her."

"I'm so sorry, Roan. Truly... I..."

"I know." I looked over to him, noticing he was trying his best to muster a smile. "But it's what soldiers must experience."

"They shouldn't."

There was another silence. "We should probably get to bed. Time isn't on our side on this mission."

He stood up, lending his hand to pull me up. I gave him a look of empathy. I knew what it was like losing a sister, but I didn't want to bring that up at that moment. It wasn't the time to post my problems.

I placed my hand on his shoulder, looking into his eyes, hoping that would get him to understand my words. "We will get out of this, I promise."

He gave me a tiny nod, "We will." He assured me. My hand slipped from his shoulder as he walked back into the house. That was the last I saw of him that night.

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