Halloween Night

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I've always kinda enjoyed Halloween.

I mean, you have to take advantage of it every year, because one day BAM! You're too old to trick or treat.

I mean it doesn't stop me from dressing up of course, but no free candy.

That's why today.

This Halloween.

I'm going as...

"The Great Azura!" I said, checking myself out in the mirror.

It was hard making a Azura costume.
A little at least.

There's a few Azura costumes but they're not accurate at all.

So I went ahead and collected parts to make my very own costume. With my mom's help of course.

I got everything right, from her white witch hat, to her very own boots.

Only thing I'm missing is her green hair.
I don't have long hair to dye (and yes I would go that far)

A wig would have worked, but I felt like it would make the costume look plain.
So in the end, I'm just going with my own hair.

I personally think that it turned out good.

Especially my staff. That's my favorite part of the whole thing.

I brought it to my face, rubbing my cheek against it.
Cold to the touch!


I heard my mom from downstairs.

Quickly I made myself downstairs, making sure I don't fall wearing these boots.

I'm not used to wearing boots. Especially if thier slightly high boots.

"Si ma?" I said.

She smiled when seeing me, "aw look at my cute angel!" She held my cheeks and kissed them.

"Mah- stop!" I tried getting out of her grip.
"You're going to mess up my costume."

"Ok ok" she let go. "You already know that I have to work right?"

I nodded.

She sighed. "I don't know Luz. I'm happy that you're making new friends and all, but are you sure you're going to be okay?"

I could tell she was worried.

After all, this is my first, and probably last Halloween going trick or treating by myself.
Well....me and friends.

"Yes mom, I'm just going to be out for a bit. I promise I'll call you to make sure I'm okay" I reassured.

Still, even with that and she still didn't look all that convinced.

She gave another low sigh. "Ok mija. Just please call ok?"

Once again I nodded. She gave me a kiss on my forehead.
I followed her to the door, waving as she got in her car.

Once she drove off, I walked back inside.

"Man it's cold," I shivered "I might have to bring a hoodie."

The sun was already setting, which means it's almost time.

I pulled out my phone, and began to type.
Sending a message to Willow.

We planned on meeting here at my house.

From there, we're going off into the creepy dark night.

And from the looks of it, they aren't that far.

Putting my phone down, I decided having a small snack before going isn't going to hurt.

Luz De Mi Vida ~ A AU Lumity FanficWhere stories live. Discover now