Chapter Five: The Ex who came with drama

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A tiring semester later...

Summer Vacation
Brentwood, CA📍

Shareef and I sat in my closet as I helped him try complete his essay. I sat cross-legged on the floor with an anotated document in my lap while Shareef laid on the floor typing. Over the last few weeks Shareef and I had become more of friends as I chose to let the whole "home girl" incident slide.

We grew close over the first weeks of the holiday as we talked about everything from our life-changing moments his heart surgery to my battle with depression, to weird moments, awkward things we've experienced, scary things we've done, our deepest fears and so much more.

"T, I can't do this nomo", he groaned shutting the laptop

I took off my reading glasses, "What were you thinking majoring in Communication?

Reef groaned standing up, "Says the girl who majored in business", he mocked stretching out his hand for me

Placing my hand in his he helped me get to my feet and we went downstairs for a break. Reef had come over to my place to study and his mother, the lovely Ms Shaunie had tagged along.

She and Ma sat in the visitors lounge chatting while having a glass of wine. Zhuri was somewhere outisde with Kennedy so Reef and I decided to chill with Bronny and Bryce who where in the living room gaming

In the middle of playing crazy eight against Reef and Bryce Kennedy came in running holding the home telephone

"Scottie is here", she hurriedly announced

My heart sank to the pits of my stomach, "What do you mean?"

"His outside!" Kennedy yelled

Scottie Pippen Jr son of the Scottie Pippen. We were the definition of what people considered  "high school sweethearts". I mean I  saw a future with that boy cause he treated me well; from the little things like how he used to kiss my ear or look in my eyes and tell me they were beautiful or something that just draws them to him. To the surprise gifts, lil dates after basketball practice and so much more.

I loved him so much that I saw a future between us or so I thought.

For him I was ready to risk it all even if it meant fucking up my own life. That's how much I loved him and only for him to screw me over by cheating on me three months before prom, that's what broke me.

I was embarrassed to the trenches as the whole thing was publicly disclosed on the Teen Shaderoom. It took a huge toll on me as my graded began deteriorating like crazy, my mental health crushing at the same time alongside with my self-esteem lowering. I became so shitty in sports that I cost the entire swimming team a championship trophy, was subbed for basketball in all the big games and hot kicked out of volleyball for almost fighting with the girl that he cheated on me with.

That was the lowest I had ever hit in my life and I wouldn't want to go back.

Bronny and Bryce hated him with a passion following the whole incident and eversinve then they've never seen eye to eye because of this Bronny wasted no time rushing out of the living room.

Zhuri who had opened the door and welcomed Scottie in was confused the moment Bronny came flying and punching Scottie in the face making him drop the bouquet

I was in a state of shock-like as I stared at Scottie who now had blood running out of his nose clutching his jaw. I barely paid attention to the commotion as Ma was now screaming from Bronny to stop.

"LeBron stop it!" Ma screamed knowing very well that they listened to Pop's words "When you see that lightskinned nigga beat his ass to pulp".

Bronny grabbed Scottie's collar and punched him straight in the nose making me wince.  My old self would have been probably screaming for him to stop but not this time.

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