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I remember when i met her at a business ball we had a year ago. She stood out among all the other other ladies in her blue gown, silver necklace and earrings. Her hair was held in a bun with few strands lingering on both sides of her head. Her lips were painted red and her brows drawn in a way that gave her a fierce but serious look.

I thought to enquire more about her after the ball since it was suprising that i knew nothing about such an elegant, peaceful, and beautiful young lady. I meet lots of business men and women but never have i seen her once. Be it at a casual or formal place.

Judai isn't a place to hide especially if you are a well-known man or woman belonging to such a high class society.

It was then that my escort to the party asked, "Why do you keep staring at the heir of the Mazze? You know you're being rude on my part right?she smiled whilst saying.

I opened my eyes in surprise."What did you just say?" I retorted.

"You heard me right Donald." Tatiana said rolling her eyes at me as she was fond of.

Tatty was my escort to the event. She was mostly my escort to all other events needing me to go with a date.

She is always at my service. In crises or not, she tried her best to always be available and thats what i loved about her... Most people think we are dating and we left it to be so.

At a sart,Tatiana didn't like the idea of getting too mixed up in my world but i told her once she had accepted the job, they was nothing like an escape route for her anymore.

I just paid her more to make her comfortable in all this mess i put her in and since then we have become the best of friends.

"Just go over and talk to her if you want to," she advised winking at me afterwards. She left me standing alone trying to figure what to say when i got to the Mazze's heir.

A second hadn't even passed when Tatiana walked back to me and whispered, "She's too innocent to be toyed with just like you always do.

"But i bet this one is good though she will give you a hard time too so be in for it", she smirked.

"Meanwhile i will like to leave if you permit me. I have some family matters pending pleaseee," she begged pouting like a child.

"Okay see my driver outside. He will drop you off," i said in response to her plea.

Now, this same saint-lady has cheated on me. Have i not been enough for her all along? Could she not draw my attention if it was something she wanted from me and wasn't getting? No... Krazy didn't need any material thing. That is unlike because she has it all. But i give her all the care she wants or? Im always there when she needs me. I show her all the love i can. So what is this now... why did she do this..

With all the questions that run through my head, i couldn't give any answers to them. The only person to give me those answers was the lady in question but she was not around.

I was now left all to my thoughts.

Was i ready to face her after all this? Could i ever look in the eyes of the woman i once loved and still love and pretend as if all is well?

My heart aches and at the second when i think of escaping from all this she barges into the office worried.

"Hey!what's wrong?" She asked

I look at her with my teary eyes.


Donald's personal assistant comes into the conference room and informs us of the meeting being cancelled.

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