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I sit in my office the next day pissed with everyone and everything. "Trust me Donald please..." I could hear her everywhere. It is like she is hunting me. Did i go too far this time in pushing her away.

I love Krazy with every fibre in me but this time there was nothing we could do. She cheated on me... but the thing is, why wouldn't she just accept it.

I had nightmares last night after i left her in my office. Coming to see the necklace i gave her on my desk this morning showed me that she gave up on me as well.

Did i destroy our 'us'? Because i feel i did so.

At noon, Ary brings a letter to my office and its from Krazy.

I stare at it for sometime and then open it.

I just thought it will be nice if i told you i will be out of town for some years.

I believe you are deeply hurt by what you saw in those photos but that doesn't explain the way you acted to a woman you claim to have loved.

All i know is that you never trusted me enough for this relationship to work and i doubt you will ever do. I wouldn't call you heartless because i still love you. If not i would say i regret the very day i fell into your web of love.

As you said,its over between us and so it will be. I will have hoped to never see you again but that won't happen since i would one day come back to Judai. Don't bother looking for me because you won't find me.

Just know that you once had a lady like me who loved you. I wish you the best.
Your ex,

It was indeed over. I couldnt watch her go without any explanation. We have to talk. I smash the paper crumble it and throw it into the bin.

Picking my car keys, i take the elevator to the ground floor and speed up to her house.

I just hope she hasn't left already.

It is when i get to ger door that i start contemplating on whether to knock or not. I am about to turn away and get back into my car when her mum opens the door, ready to go out as usual.

Her mum,Mrs Mazze, is a travel freak . I can say this woman has been to all the developed countries on the globe. She will always tell Krazy and i during visits that her youthful days were spent learning everything about the companies she had handed over to her, Krazy, and that now is her time to explore the world and live a little.

Krazy's dad died in a plane crush when she was eight. Luckily for her, those eight years with her dad were the best years of her life.

"Its like dad knew he will die soon that is why he acted like a mum all through my eight years with him,Donald." She would say in tears after remembering the happy days she spent with her dad.

Unfortunately for me, i never had the opportunity to meet the famous Mr. Mazze. One of the richest business tycoons in the town of Judai.

He had owned lots of companies before his death all of which he passed on to his daughter Krazy at 19. Sometimes i admired Krazy for her humility,respect and most importantly intelligence and sometimes too i hated her for it.

I have never liked women who have knowledge equal to mine or more than mine because it made me feel inferior to them which i felt was not meant to be.

These thoughts change the moment i meet Krazy. She had this aura which drew me to her and i never understood why.

The love i had for her was what they call "love at first sight". A love story I've always mocked.

Ermmm...Mrs Maze is Krazy here," i asked.

She looks at me surprised." I thought you took her to the airport some minutes ago. At least that is what she told me," she shrugged.

That when realisation hits me. Krazy left and lied to her mum as well.

Without saying goodbye i leave Mrs Mazze standing there confused and drive to the airport.

I now get to the airport confused as hell. I did not ask Mrs Mazze where she said she was going. How and where was i going to look for her now.

Thinking i try calling her cell but it goes to voicemail. I call several times but to no avail.

Then i call her friend Alexadra,one flirty piece of shit just like my personal assistant,Ary.

Without waiting for her to utter a word when she picks up the phone,i say, "Has Krazy contacted you recently?"

"Yep she should be out of the country by now. She actually called before leaving she said but....

That was all, i hang up on her.

If only i know where she went to i will have boarded a plane right now but i didnt know until i hire a detective to get me information.

Had i lost her or she had lost me. I guess we lost each other or?

I get to my mansion after leaving the airport. I am too tired to climb the stairs to get myself into the bedroom at the moment so i decide to spend the night in my couch.

I remove my shoes,turn of the lights and get ready to snuggle myself in the couch when my cell rings.

I don't pick up the call but after several minutes of it ringing i place it on loudspeaker.

Hello is this Mr Rocker? The voice asks.

Yes and how may i help you. It is late already and..... sorry i mean who is this. I correct myself after realising it was only 6pm.

Im Dr. Trey form Inoke's hospital. I tried calling your wife ....

Wait who are you referring to as my wife, i ask.

Mrs Krazy sir. She refuses to give us her surname but she told us to contact you if her number didn't go through as she is mostly busy with work.

Okay so what did she come to do in your hospital. Is she sick or something? I enquire.

He laughs... no sir. Actually your wife is a week pregnant he says.

The shock i received caused me to drop my phone.

Mr Rocker... Mr Rocker.... Mr Rocker are you there? the voice continued to ask but i had already reached the door.

Don't forget
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