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Last night was so much fun. Snander, my ex, had never done such a thing for me before.

To take me out in the middle of the night just to get me hamburgers? Who the hell was i going to be kidding?

My famous ex was always busy with only God knows what. He's so like "Hun I'll be working late tonight!"

He never had time for us. Never had time for our relationship at all and i thank Britta so much for planning this whole thing with Donald for me.

When i cried last night, it wasn't mainly because i had no idea of Donald's likes and dislikes. It was actually because i wished i had him earlier than this. If only i knew i was the exact replica of someone who had such a perfect life, i wouldn't have been sticking with that good for nothing piece of shit, Snander, i thought.

Though i felt guilty for snatching another woman's love from her..... well, did i actually snatch her man?...no! I guess not.

She shouldn't have left her sexy ass boyfriend for the world to enjoy.

If i were Krazy herself, with all i had,businesses,wealth,friends,a caring mom and most importantly a guy who adored me so much, i will always make sure to put him in my handbag and take him everywhere I go.

But... well, i dont know why she left. All i do know is that Donald is my destiny if not the man up there wouldn't allow circumstances to make us meet.

My opportunity had come. I had to grab it.

Donald was not in bed when i woke up. I believe he was in the study. I decided to make breakfast for both of us so i went to freshen up a bit.

It wasnt until i was fully dressed and about to go down to the kitchen that i realised it was already noon.

I looked down to the phone Donald had got me recently as i lost the previous one during my accident just to confirm the time.

It was already 1pm.

My stomach made some embarrassing noise confirming my hunger.

I walked to the study but Donald wasnt there. "Where could he have gone?" I wondered.

I decided to go down to the living room when i saw the most disgusting act in front of me.

I thought this Alex, was somehow supposed to be Krazy's bestfriend.

How could she be fucking her bestfriend's boyfriend. I mean whho the hell would do such a thing.

I couldn't imagine Britta and Snander together not that i cared though.

They had not realised i was there. How could Donald do this to me. He kissed me last night. Was that only to make me feel better after he saw my tears. How could he. How could she. How could they do that to me. Its not like they knew i was an imposter or something. They still thought i was Krazy. I thought Britta said these two hated each others guts so now how.

I hadnt realised i had started sobbing when i heard my name being mentioned.

Donald pushed Alex off him and was staring into my eyes.

I didnt know when i started ro fall in love with him. I had just know him for some days and all this hurt so much.

My heart clenched tightly. I couldnt take it anymore.

I turned to run upstairs when i heard him say. "Krazy, i swear im really sorry. I can explain. "

I turned to look at him. I was filled with disgust.

Maybe it wasn't my thing to ever be loved.

First Snander and now this jerk Donald. The devil who was dressed in a white gown.

"Why is she surprised baby?" Alex said.

Donald looked at her sternly knowing what she was going to say.

Didnt you tell her about the fun we had sometime ago, Alex said looking at me.

What fun? I asked.

Oh he didn't say,she said.

"We had some very good se......." she began.

Before she could continue her statement, i screamed,"Get out of my house Alexandra!! And don't ever come back! I regret the day i ever befriended you."I said to her.

Oh dont worry baby. Im already on my way she said picking up her clothes. Disgustingly, she kissed Donald on the lips again moaning alongside and he just sat there doing nothing.

I ran up to the room and locked myself in there. I sobbed silently with so many thoughts running through my mind.

Was this the reason why Krazy left? I asked myself.

I searched for Britianna's number on my phone and dialed it. We spoke for a long time. Actually she asked if Donald was that charming to make me fall in love with him within days and i giggled.

I felt good enough after speaking to Britta. She was the best person i had ever met. She was the only one who could make me feel better when i felt down.

I didnt know how and when i had cried myself to sleep after talking to Britta.

The pounding on the door woke me up suddenly. Krazy please open the door. At least eat something even if you do not want to speak to me ill understand.

Baby i love you. Please dont do this to us. Im sorry let me explain.

Just go Elton. I dont want to see you anymore,i screamed at him from inside.

I sat down on my bed thinking of what to do next. Should i give him a hard time or give him another chance?

Hey guys!!!
Do you think Snider should forget what happened?
Well i dont think she should complain or?
I mean you stole someone's guy and now he is being stolen from you so what's your problem 🤭😂😂😂

Forget what i said though. Lemme know your thoughts by dropping you comments.

Youre done reading so vote⭐please.
Much love♥️

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