Next Adventure? CARNIVAL TIME! p.2

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[Bruh sorry the image look so small- I'm on computer so it looks like a small cube on a large empty wall- (._.')]

(Also- kind of new theme i'm trying out when I'm making this book?- slow updates rip)

Third Person POV

Tom and Edd were outside of the house with Tord, who was sitting at the patio smoking his cigar as he waits for Matt to exit out of there. Edd sighs, '30 minutes'  he thought, and Smirnoff boy groans. He took out his flask once again and drank more this time.


Matt finally plops out and grabs Tord's hand as he runs towards the blue-green couple. He smiles beautifully at the two before holding his boyfriend's hand tighter as they walked off. One of them cursed under his breath, "finally.."  

As they were walking, they saw more flyers and posters about the event on the walls and poles. Edd smiles bigger, and Tom chuckles at the sight of his adorable boyfriend. The four reached a stop sign and cross the street to meet the carnival fences around them. Tons of cars, people, rides and food. Especially carnival games. Matt lets go of Tord's hand and squeals at every prize in the games. Tord lets out a small sigh, smile, and follows his lover to the games. In the other hand, Edd grabs Tom's hand and goes to the opposite lane.

"So, what do you want to try out first?" Tom questions.

"Hmmm, let's try something small and go to big rides, ending the one with the..." Edd stops his tracks and points to a direction, in which Tom focuses on. The Ferris Wheel. Tom's jaw drops as Edd jumps up and down excitingly. To the Cola-Man, this could be a romantic time to spend with Tom, he could also tell the operator to stop at a certain point so they can watch the glittery stars and sparkling fireworks at night. But to Tom, it's a whole different story in his past (think of him and his family on that ride looking at fireworks before. pineapple dad :C ) 

"Welllll?" Edd looked aside to see Tom's surprising look. "Tom?-" "W-wha?- O-oh, yeah.. let's go check out these rides, shall we?" He grins and leads him to the easier rides. Meanwhile...

Matt jumps all around while Tord was keeping track of him so he won't get lost in the wave of people. "Ooooh! Tord! Look at that one! :3!"

The prize he was smiling gleefully at was a purple stuffed bear with two lollipops in the middle of it's stomach (can you guess the actual character from which show? :3). He kept shaking his hands together in excitement and Tord giggled a little bit at him. He looked over at the game and the host across them was grinning and asking if they wanted to give it a go. He then glanced over at his boyfriend who still kept his eyes contacted at the animal, and with determination, nodded at the host. The old man grinned more and passed him three balls to shoot at the three metal milk bottles. Matt squealed and cheered on for Tord as he kept his eye on his target. He kept one eye closed, and threw the ball at his target. The first three metal cans knocked out. Matt jumped up and down once again, as Tord does the next two. He got it once, and did it again. His boyfriend was amazed at Tord's reflex, and the host handed him the purple bear. Matt hugged it tightly and put his head on the Norwegian man's shoulder. Tord chuckled slightly, and before he knew it, Matt smashes his lips on to Tord's, before returning back to his head placement. He blushes as red as his hoodie, before returning back to his original state and walked to the other games once more.

-        +        -         +       -        +        -        +        -       +       -       +       -       +       -       +       -      +         -         +

Edd and Tom were at the stand getting popcorn, hot dogs, and drinks. They had a great time at so many rides, even at the crazy dizzy ones. Edd noticed it was already almost night, and that the fireworks start at 9 o'clock. He was thrilled for the event and looked back at the Ferris Wheel that was exactly 10 feet away from them at the picnic table. 

"Almost done with your food babe?" Tom asks. Edd smiles and nods as he throws away his empty plastic plate. Tom does the same thing, and groans as he stretches. "We should go to the Ferris Wheel now," he calmly says, before Tom spat out his drink in his mouth. 

"R-right now?"

"Why not? The fireworks are about to start, and it'll be great to watch it above with so many stars tonight as well!" Edd explains, and Tom looked at him, regretfully.

 "Uhhh- sure! But it'll be quick- right?" 

Edd chuckles a bit and shrugs. He then grabs his lover's hand and speed-walks to the ride. Tom stared at him more. He had a lot of bad memories when he was younger.. But why now?..

They reached the wheel, convinced the operator, and got on the ride. Edd was jumping up and down from his seat and looked down as they went farther and farther from the floor. Tom looks down as well and feels his stomach grumble within him. 

"We're almost at the toppp!!" Edd exhilarates. Tom nods slowly still keeping his eyes downward from the sky. 

And then, it stops, cradling the both of them before it stops.


uH- yeah thats part 2 ;v;! 

Also, I've been wondering, should I change the title name of my story? 

And should I just make this all just like a Oneshot book of TomEdd instead of keeping it a line like a series- unless that should come later and not now- :P

Eh- Idk either or- 

Cya then!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2020 ⏰

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