Chapter Two

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Alice's Pov
"Come on breath, fuck hey idiot wake up, come on." The sudden force spread out through my chest, the burning through my lungs was rough, and for the first time in my life. I was feeling a pain that hurt in a good way.

I was feeling something, the sudden puff of air traveled through my mouth, and with a startled gasp I shot up fast a very rough cough leaving me.

I almost doubled over in pain my hand shooting out to hold my stomach throwing up all that I could assume was the water that was filling inside my body. My body violently shaking with each heave and cough.

I kept leaning over the side on the dirty gravel and rocks, almost in the dirt gasping for air my entire bed of large curls was soaked, the chill of the crisp air now hovering around my freezing body. My clothes clinging to me as if it was a second skin.

I lifted my head up for just a moment my arm slung over my chubby stomach my eyes growing wide for just a minute a tremble traveling through my lips, or it could have been the cold I wasn't so sure anymore.

"S-Sangwoo," I whispered in confusion looking at the large male who also was soaked to the bone, his eyes blonde hair was soaked pushed back, the water from the river dripping down him, and next to him was a very skinny and a frightened-looking boy. Who looked adorable like.

Sangwoo blinked like mad before he looked at me startled his hand shooting out to push back my wet hair back, his fingers than dropping to rub at the cheek noticing me shaking.

"Alice? what the hell are you doing all the way out here?" I blinked shivering still quite a lot my mind feeling clouded fluttering my eyes a few times. "I tried to kill myself." I found myself whispering in confusion my free hand moving to grip my head lightly. I winced at the pain that traveled across my skull.

"I couldn't take it anymore." The low whisper left me and Sangwoo looked at me, even more, a small look of disbelief over his face before he moved close to placing his hands under my knees he lifted me up with ease in his muscle like arms.

"Bumi grab the other bag for me, Alice stay awake I can't leave you out here like this." The shivers just kept leaving me even more and my one-time attempt was short-lived all because of the one person at school everyone wishes they could have. Oh Sangwoo.

"Sangwoo... Umm who is this?" The other boy called out staring at me in more confusion. Sangwoo still had a deep grip on me walking across the forest floor the water dripping down him slowly.

"This is Alice Bay Campbell and she is one of the most popular foreign exchange students at the university and this is the first time I have talked to her in person." My head carefully fell back to rest on his chest falling out into a deep sleep fast my body slumping in exhaustion.

The very next time my eyes fluttered open I could feel I was changed into different clothes, but I was laying in the back seat of a car, feeling the smooth driving in the road. My chest was still aching, but was now replaced with a dull throb from the CPR Sangwoo gave me.

"Bum I'm serious this is the one thing I am asking from you, don't freak her out. Alice not only is super popular at the university I've had a crush on her for almost two years now," I blinked in confusion listening to the heavy conversation between the two.

"H-how do you have a crush on someone you never talked to?" I weakly fluttered my eyes a few times more.  "She always was so different... She never chased after me, she helped me in one damn class and was so sweet about it, she is so chubby but like in a cute and beautiful way confident about her size, and her smile Yoonbum. If you've seen how she smiles at everyone you'd fall in love too." I was in such a state of shock I had never heard someone talk about me in this way.

I was use to people saying I was sexy or saying I looked like a good fuck. Jokes on them I was a virgin but Sangwoo was such a popular guy.  He could get any girl if he wanted to and he had. Jieun wanted him, anyone wanted to be him, have him. Be friends with him.

"I never got to talk to her outside of class now I have my chance Bum, you think she'll think I'm cool?" I pressed myself in the seat even more hearing a small mutter from Yoonbum.

"Are you taking her back?" I held myself slowly studying the outfit I was wearing. A large white t-shirt, my curly hair was semi-dry and I was also wearing a pair of large sweats pants they couldn't have been mine they were Sangwoo's the scent lingering over them was almost like home in a way... A metallic almost like... Blood.

"I can't just kidnap her everyone would notice she is missing... But at this point, she has no choice." The sudden loud cough left me when the pain went through my chest and the chatter between the two stop fast. I fluttered my eyes hazy like looking up to see Sangwoo had parked on the side of the road gazing at me fully.

"Hey I see you are awake, listen I won't question what happened back there right away but you will have to answer, but we are far out, we couldn't just leave you back there how are you feeling?" I once again coughed before I spoke. "Like shit." I chuckled quietly hearing his own deep chuckles.

"You want an Apple? Might need to eat something your body is all weak." I managed to sit up fully in the seat.  "Sure why not, thank you." I muttered.  "Bum." Was all Sangwoo said before the boy in the passenger seat was digging in a black bag and without looking back at me handed me the reddest Apple I had ever seen.

It shined and stayed round in my palm and I almost could see my fucked up reflection remembering just what Sangwoo said. He said kidnapping... No, he can't be. Can he?

I glanced up I lifted the apple up taking a really rough and big bite gasping at the taste before then I felt a little trickle of blood down my chin from biting too hard.

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