Chapter Three

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Alice's Pov
I never had felt like this before but I felt uneasy, I felt confused I was wondering if after all my thoughts of paying attention in my psychology class if I was correct.

I was still in a half daze sitting on the floor of this really nice hotel room watching Sangwoo and Yoonbum who were whispering to one another while Sangwoo placed this large long black bag on the floor.

I lifted my knees up a bit pressing my chin on my knee recalling most of the things I had heard during the car ride. Body, kidnapping, Bum shut up, you can stay with us for the night. And just a few hours ago I had almost died and left this world. Was Sangwoo what I was thinking? Was he hiding a demeanor?

I jolted up almost straight from my position when eyes were suddenly peering at me. I slowly forced a smile seeing Sangwoo was kneeling in front of me.

"Hey you were spacing out there, did you hear anything I said?" He asked me confused his hand then moving to ruffle at the dyed blonde hair from his cut. I blinked my eyes quickly but then shook my head no side to side. It was followed by a soft deep chuckle.

"I called a tow truck they found your car with the description you gave me and it's back at your house." He flashed me a soft smile but a small trigger off my mind I saw his face and body covered in blood making me shake my head much quicker to get the image away.

"Ah Sangwoo you didn't have to thank you really, I owe you one," I whispered. He studied me deeply before he chuckled quietly.

"You still are shaking, maybe you should take a bath first before me and Yoonbum, right Bum." Yoonbum was already resting on the large bed and just nodded his head fast.

"Yes, girls first." He stammered. I blinked my eyes a few times yet again "I... I'm gonna be honest my body and mind aren't working right I can't even get up." I whispered. Sangwoo scratched at the side of his head.

"Then if you give me permission I'll help you bath." I had never let anyone see my naked body before, but I don't know what came over me.

"Okay..." I whispered seeing him smile again he used both his hands to help me up his hands gripping my sides before he gave Yoonbum a look and helped me towards the bathroom.

"Are you two dating?" I found myself asking sweetly staring back at my reflection in the mirror messing with my damp hair "I'm not gay... Well, it's kinda complicated, Yoonbum reminds me of my mother who died so he sticks by me," I heard the sudden loud rushing of the most water filling the large bathtub I had ever seen at a hotel.

I rubbed at the faint marks on my cheeks "Are you comfortable enough to tell me why you wanted to kill yourself." I didn't really have time to flinch so I kept staring at my reflection.

"I don't know why I am popular when I am just being a decent human being, being kind to someone should be a normal thing, listening to people should also be normal I mean look at me I'm a confident chubby black girl, yet the people at school don't know me, the real me. I do charity and I help out everyone making friends with everyone yet... My mind is stupid and tells me I'm worthless I thought killing myself would make it stop."

It was very quiet in the bathroom before I heard Sangwoo making his way towards me before he was making me spin around to face him.  I was shocked when his large hands were cupping my cheeks making me gaze at him fully.

"Alice do you not hear yourself? That's why people like you, you aren't like the people at school, you take the time to learn about people to study them, to help them. You aren't faking being kind or happy you aren't a bitch just to be one, you actually genuinely care and it reminds me of my mother before she fucked me up." I held my breath watching this shift in his eyes before he was gripping my hand placing it on his cheeks.

I carefully rubbed my thumb over his cheek noticing him shutting his eyes deeply "I never wanted someone to notice me so bad, and now you notice me, I'm gonna show you something don't freak out." He kept his hand pressed on my own other cheek before he was pulling me out the bathroom once he shut the water off before he was pulling me into the room, he gestured towards me.

"Open the bag, Alice." I looked back over at him in confusion "Sangwoo. " Yoonbum stammered quite fast. "Bumi shut up, this is her test, Alice open the bag." I shut my eyes for a moment before I kneeled down grabbing the zipper slowly unzipping the bag and I didn't even scream or gasp but my eyes went quite wide seeing laying in the bag was a very much dead Jieun.

I could recognize that skinny model body anywhere. She was dead. "I-is that Jieun," I whispered making sure the tremble didn't leave my body, Sangwoo was then kneeling behind me pushing my curls away.

"Mhm she was being a bitch to Yoonbum, she thought was too pretty to die, too beautiful and rich to suffer now she's beautiful forever maybe in hell Bum stabbed her around twelve times." Sangwoo's once soft chuckles were now dark and bitter.

"So are you scared of me yet Alice hmm?" I stared at the dead body, I stared at Jieun a human who was almost the worst kind. This was a test. If I said yes it was the wrong answer if I said no it was the wrong answer so I spoke.

"Yes and no Sangwoo... I'm scared of the things you can do..... But you no I'm not."

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