Chapter Six

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Alice's Pov
I never was more happy to be back at a place then to be back at home with Sangwoo and Yoonbum. Out in public it felt like everyone was staring at you for no reason what so ever, and even with the whole fake dating scene in front of Yoonbum's old friend.

Sangwoo was still all touchy feely with me. Once we arrived home I changed into some random plaid pajama pants and a long sleeved shirt, wanting to be left alone for a while, having yet again the dark pronoun thoughts. But before I could even make my way back I do Sangwoo's bedroom he was yelling out to me.

"Alice! Get your ass in here you are still on suicide watch!" I sighed rubbing at my face I then made my way towards the kitchen I leaned against the door frame seeing Sangwoo had taken off those glasses and was messing around with a knife with the frozen cake.

Yoonbum sitting across from him. "Can I go lay down I don't feel good." I muttered but Sangwoo just shot me a look and I rolled my eyes leaning against the door frame more.

"Come on, I'm just about to learn why Bum had a big freak out in the store, every one has a back store." Sangwoo chuckled playing with the knife.

"For example Alice tell us about how you got popular." Sangwoo stared at me with a grin. I hummed lightly messing with my sleeves.

"I've been here in Seoul for a while, when I first arrived people believe the stereotypes, until I started befriending people. I was nice to every one even the fake ones which was a mistake, after a while. People were saying I had good style for being a chubby girl, it boosted my confidence so I was just always helping others, standing up for those who got bullied, it's what Jieun hated about me I was a nice popular girl, but it can get tiring." I explained both of them seemed to be listening intensely and Sangwoo actually was listening.

"See look it's not that hard Bum, Alice why do you wanna kill yourself?" He then asked, and instead  of flinching like Yoonbum who exclaimed out at Sangwoo I just explained it.

"I have everything I've ever wanted, I have a job, I go to school, I have friends... Yet it still feels empty no matter how many fake smiles I have I still want a real want... I'm tired that's the simple way to put it I'm tired." I answered.

And for once Sangwoo's eyes were soft staring at me.

"That's why you both caught me out on the trail, I had a history when I was in high school but I then stopped thinking I just had to grow up and get through life. But now I realize as an adult the feeling just gets worse it doesn't go away." Sangwoo gestured for me to come sit on his lap so I slowly did sitting in his lap.

He wrapped his arms around me hugging me nuzzling me. "And that's one of the reasons why I like you so much... You are honest and there aren't any lies anywhere in her voice." I held his arms back a little listening to him closely but he then told Yoonbum to tell him about his past.

So I listened deeply about how he would get bullied back at school, how he made friends with a typical girl she was also getting abused, but as soon as she got popular and had a change, she started bullying Yoonbum and I just felt bad for him.

He then went into details about how he had to live with his uncle and grandma and how his abuse kinda grew worse and turned into sexual abuse. All I could do was stare in horror. I didn't even know what to say. How do you comfort someone who has been through hell....  I stood up.

"Yoonbum... I'm sorry that happened to you." I stammered out I just wanted to hug him but of course Sangwoo was a little sarcastic ass he stared at Yoonbum in disgust almost in a taunting way.

"So you just pushed yourself onto him? And let it happen to did fight back." I sighed roughly.

"Sangwoo not everyone can fight off their attackers." I snapped out deeply.

"Not all us are strong like you." He then shot me a glare.

"Alice you don't know anything about me either so you need to shut up too." He warned at me.

"No you don't get to tell me to shut up! When you are mocking someone's abuse!" I yelled at him.

It causes a chain reaction of me and Sangwoo to start yelling at one another deeply, but I was brought back when I heard Yoonbum was screaming.

"You... You think I'm disgusting Sangwoo!" Sangwoo groaned smacking his face.

"I'm not dealing with this shit right now!" He snapped out leaving the kitchen.

"Hey hey Yoonbum! It's okay." I tried to reassure the hysterical boy but he just grew when louder then before. I was quick to grab him when he yanked out the knife.

"Yoonbum! Stop it that's not the answer!" I screamed out, but he was fighting against me deeply slashing at his wrist deeply.

"Let me go! You don't understand either little miss perfect!" He shoved me one good time and I didn't feel it at first but. When I landed  he had pushed the knife into my side.

"Fuck... That's painful." I sighed sitting up, looking at my side, I just shook my head and crawled towards Yoonbum who had fell over.

I grabbed at his wrist tightly to stop the blood flow. It was a lot of blood mixed with my own.

  "Come on come on. " I whispered ignoring the pain in my side.

"Sangwoo!" I shouted loudly realizing I couldn't do this on my own. All this blood.

"What?" He entered the kitchen confused but looked between us very startled and shocked.

"He... He had a break down.. And cut himself and me, look don't focus on me, help him." I whispered.

"You... You literally have a butchers knife in your side Alice! Let me help you." He snapped out.

"If you yank it out, I'm gonna bleed out! Okay focus on him first! Sangwoo please." He looked so conflicted and sighed walking over he dropped down shaking Yoonbum, taking over.

He grabbed at Yoonbum's wrist for once seeing Sangwoo his grey hoodie  being covered up by blood. He looked horrified by the amount of blood.

"Fuck." He grumbled getting up he picked up Yoonbum.

"Don't move  Alice!" I just sighed looking down to see the baby blue shirt was now leaking a lot of blood.

"Not like I'm gonna move."

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