Chapter Seven

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Alice's Pov
"Alright how do you remove a knife without having to go to the doctors?" I found my hand pressed roughly on my hand wanting to find this whole situation amusing, I wanted to laugh for no real reason but I had a knife implied deeply in my side, and Sangwoo was literally looking up this stuff on his phone with a serious expression.

He had cleaned up Yoonbum after some running away and cleaning up. He sat back down with me with all these first aid kit supplies. "Blood is running low Sangwoo." I chuckled watching him huff quietly.

"Alright I have like a basic answer alright, face me." He gestured, I carefully maneuvered my body in front of him, watching the male grab a bottle of peroxide he poured carefully then to cut around the shirt to exposed the wound looking at it a bit.

"I thought blood was your thing." I muttered watching him scrunched his face up.

"Yeah but it's different on a girl I actually like." He grumbled a little rolling the sleeve of his hoodie up.

"Ready?" I nodded my head slowly watching him pour the peroxide on the wound, before I watched him pulling the knife out really really slowly, but he then spoke to me.

"Alice what's one thing you like that makes you happy?" I was so confused by why he was asking me this.

"I like cuddling and food, it's a comfort-" I quickly almost screamed in shock when he yanked the knife out in one quick motion I just now knew he was distracting me.

"Oh God that hurt." I whimpered quickly, feeling him placing these patches quickly on the now fully exposed wound.

"Sorry sorry that's only way I could fully get it is you pull it out till only like the tip is there then you yank, sorry." He chuckled shaking his head keeping his hand pressed there.

"God I hate you Sangwoo. " I whimpered the pain now present but I felt him just press a kiss to my forehead.

"Yeah I love you too princess, I'll give you cuddles later." He chuckled bringing me close to him swaying me slowly while keeping his arms around me. I felt him then wrapped a bandage around my side before he hugged me yet again.

"Alice I'm going more crazy everyday. And I can't stand it. Help me be sane please?" I was startled by the softness in his voice before I gently rubbed at his back up and down slowly.

"I can try my best to help with my knowledge Sangwoo, but it's gonna be okay alright." I whispered to him feeling him rest his head on my neck.

"I just need to hear you say that... It feels true coming from you." I squeezed my eyes tightly.  Cause it is true Sangwoo...

The next few days seemed like a fever dream while I was doing my best to heal up. Yoonbum for a while was just acting odd. Very distant but it could be just that he had a suicide attempt and usually that lives a long while in your mind.

I know mine still haunted me in my dreams. But I wasn't expecting myself to be dragged to the police station with Yoonbum all about Sangwoo being a murderer, which wasn't a lie he was. But I was still exhausted and all this questioning was hurting my head.

I held myself slowly leaning around in the uncomfortable chair taking a quick glance at Sangwoo and Yoonbum.  "Alright so obviously Yoonbum I've met, but you I haven't so who are you, and how do you know Sangwoo?" I tensed up quite fast but I sat up straight.

"We go to the university together." I answered without forgetting much. "I started living with Sangwoo because it was easier for us to do projects." God why was lying sort of easy.

"And what's your relationship to Sangwoo?" I can't say me and him are dating cause he already lied to the whole police station that him and Yoonbum were dating, God damn it Sangwoo you idiot.

He could see the panic in my eyes and opened his mouth a little but I just came up with a lie so fast for Seungbae.

"I'm pregnant!" I blurted out fast. My own eyes growing wide. I quickly cleared my throat so fast even Sangwoo's eyes were wide a bit.

"We had a one night stand type of thing you know... That was before him and Yoonbum got together and he offered to also help take care of me and the baby." I quickly kicked Yoonbum slightly so he would stop making that face at me.

I literally haven't slept with Sangwoo and he knows this.

"Yeah I didn't want Alice to take care of the baby on her own." Sangwoo chuckled quietly his handcuffed hands behind his back. I felt relived a bit but Seungbae just wouldn't let up and kept asking questions, he then made all three of us sit in separate areas with a sheet.

"A questionnaire." I muttered rubbing the pencil across the sheet of paper. Some of these questions I could answer without really thinking about it.

I knew when I met Sangwoo, and when I met Yoonbum. But Sangwoo was gonna have a really tough with this. I know him. He doesn't remember little detail... Or does he?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2022 ⏰

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