haunting regrets

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This was really happening. She was here for real.
Right where she was standing about two days ago and she was practically in shock.
"No no no. This isn't real this isn't real this isn't real." She kept repeating hoping it would all just go away like when you're in a nightmare and you just pray that you'll wake up before it gets worse.
"It's a dream it's just a dream it's just a dream.."
Joyce had her eyes shut tight just like when she looked away from Hopper to turn the keys.
"Stop it, stop stop." She said to herself at least 5 more times.
Joyce walked out of the cabin and sat on the porch in a ball holding her ears and her eyes shut tight still.
Her breathing became more rapid and tears were falling in her hands as she covered her ears.
She didn't want to hear it. She couldn't hear it.
She did not want to be reminded of one of her worst mistakes. "Why didn't I remember..why did I forget..why was I so scared. "She asked herself constantly after their fight.
She was reminded of her neglecting hoppers feelings and of how she spent the night in her room after Will had the mind flayer burned out of him.
Bob was gone. All she did that night was sit on the floor in a ball and cry until she fell asleep right where she was.
After what felt like hours, the scene faded away and she woke up in a hospital that had ridiculously bright lights.
Joyce made sure to find the date somewhere to make sure she wasn't still dreaming..or whatever the hell that was.
"Okay...okay." She said with a sigh of relief.
The date on the white board near her in the room read "July 4th, 1985".
It was very late though it was almost 12am and she was beginning to worry about her kids. She wasn't there for them. How did they get home and are they safe?
Just then a nurse walked in and informed her that she had two broken ribs and a minor concussion and would need to stay in the hospital for at least two days. She was prescribed medication for the pain and the nurse left her.
That huge russian guy really did a number on her. She was so terrified in that moment. Usually Joyce would defend herself whenever she needed to and spoke her mind when she felt like she needed people to know. But in this moment she knew there was nothing she could do for herself and she was so certain she was going to kill her. Joyce wanted to call out for hopper to wake up and help her but once he grabbed her she was so scared she just froze up in terror, started to cry and in the blink of an eye she was thrown like it was nothing onto the control pad and out like a light.
Suddenly the nurse came back and mentioned that Jonathan had taken Will and El home and he would try to come back to see her later on.
At least that gave her some relief knowing the kids were okay and home and most importantly safe.
Besides the pain she felt in her chest and head she still couldn't understand why her so called dream felt so so real..
As her thoughts ran wild she felt something that stopped her right in her tracks.
It went from her nose straight to her lip..
Her eyes were widened in disbelief.

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