home again.

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Finally. Joyce was home.
She didn't have anymore of those vivid nightmares the rest of the time she was in the hospital.
Joyce suspected it was because if the pain medication she was given but there wasn't much room to complain because the pain was hardly there and the nightmares stopped. Hopefully for good.
Coming back home felt so much better than she thought mostly because she was with her kids now 24/7 instead of the hospital visits which only allowed two at a time which was the dumbest thing joyce had ever heard.
She mostly hated it because while Jonathan, Will, and her were in her room talking poor El had to wait in the waiting room for the boys.
If joyce could've done something she would've but what was she supposed to say?
"Oh I know he's gone but it's okay, you have me now." Yeah that's the last thing she'd want to hear.
As she was settling back in her real room in her house she sat on the edge of her bed.
This feeling of sadness hit her like bus instantly. The last time she sat here, Hopper was there comforting her silently on the floor right after he dragged her away from Bob.
She will always remember that night perfectly. Mike helping her into Jonathan's car because hopper had to carry will. The whole ride she put her head against the window crying ignoring everyone else asking her what had happened and if everything was okay. Once they got home she went into the house with the others and without anyone noticing except hopper of course, she went to her room where it was slightly quieter. Joyce shut the door, grabbed one of her blankets in her room, and wrapped it around herself. She sat there on the edge of her bed just numb with heartache. She made an effort to cry as quietly as possible because no way was she losing it in front of all of these kids, after all her and Hop were the only adults here so she had to try and remain calm. After about 10 minutes of being alone, she heard a knock at the door. Joyce had several guesses of who it was and hopper was one of them.
She didn't even look at him when he came in. She didn't want it to seem like she didn't want him there she just couldn't move her eyes from the floor.
Once he sat there silently telling her he was here for her she let her tears flow.
As Joyce stared off into her own depressing thoughts there was a knock at her door.
"Yeah! Who is it?"
"Um I was wondering if I go drop el and will off at the wheelers are you gonna be ok?" It was Jonathan.
He was always worried about her and leaving her alone because sometimes when joyce went too far into her dark place it usually ended with Jonathan having to hold her while she was sobbing until she went to sleep in his arms. Then, he'd carry her to bed and watch her just to make sure she didn't have nightmares and then he'd go to sleep.
She got up and opened the door to see him standing there worried.
"I'll be okay, I promise. I just need to settle in for a little bit." She replied.
After a little silence he agreed and gave her a hug goodbye.
Once the kids left she went to the living room and turned on the tv.
There usually wasn't anything good on on weeknights except for Fridays.
She just left the channel where it was and sprawled out on the couch and closed her eyes. No way was she sleeping in her room tonight. Just that thought of hopper made her sad.
Joyce decided to think about something else for once to distract her mind from him and thought about her boys and the enormous amount of love she had for then.
She thought of the time they had Christmas dinner after Will was brought home a month before then.
The smell of the runny mashed potatoes, the Christmas music in the background, and Jonathan and his video camera.
A small smile came across her face.
She opened her eyes because for some reason she couldn't hear the tv anymore it was just Christmas music.
Then as her luck would have it. She was there.
This time she wasn't so afraid and sad, she was happy to be here but it made absolutely no sense.
She hadn't fell asleep all she did was close her eyes and think about a memory.
"I've had enough of this." She said to herself.
Joyce closed her eyes and kept wishing she'd just go home because she still couldn't wrap her mind on how real this all felt. She thought harder and harder.
Joyce's eyes shot open and she was back on the couch and she sat up.
There it was again. The blood.
Okay once was just a coincidence, but two times..?
Maybe she really was able to go through time but was it just in her sleep? She didn't know. All she knew was she needed to get it under control and fast because she couldn't just sleep and wake up ten years ago.
Although she was afraid of her newfound abilities she wondered what else she could do...

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