lost in this place

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Joyce sat there speechless.
What else could she do? This entire night has been one thing after another and clearly luck wasn't on her side given the events of the past few hours.
"How could this even happen how could I have..powers..?" She thought to herself. Just that word seemed so wrong for her: power.
Joyce had never been one to be powerful.. just her short stature was as intimidating as a puppy playing with its owner. Completely harmless.
She did however have the power to win almost every argument she was in because if she knew she was right..she was right. God she was stubborn. Tapping into her stubbornness, she made the choice to totally ignore the blood coming from her nose that was 100% alarming.
She calmed herself down, wiped the blood away and just waited until she could go home which was still 48 hours away but what else was she going to do? Joyce had already been beaten down physically and emotionally today and this was the last straw. The only idea she had was to ignore it like it was never there.
No fixing the issue.
No trying to solve the mystery.
No researching until she was exhausted.
Joyce had just gave up on trying to save herself.
"It's nothing it's probably just too dry in here..it is summer so maybe their isn't a whole lot of moisture in here..." Joyce talked to herself until she got tired and eventually dosed off into sleep again.
It was weird not having anyone to talk to. Well someone that completely understood. Sure she still had Jonathan and will who could maybe understand but..they weren't there in her shoes and they didn't know exactly what it was like to have to be the one to end someone else's life to save several lives.
She was so tired of being sad, scared, and alone all the time and now that hopper was gone (the only one who could talk her out of any difficult situation) she figured there was no point in fighting for things to actually be fine for once. Maybe she was destined to have a terrible life. Who knows?
In her deep sleep that was very much needed, Joyce was dreaming again. Walking in that same black place that wasn't as frightening now since she had seen it once already. Still though the dream felt real.
Maybe she was dreaming more vividly now, it's not crazy and it's very common.
As annoyed as she was to be in this place again she felt it slightly comforting.
It was quiet and peaceful if you didnt think about how creepy it was.
She was bored of walking around cluelessly and decided to sit on the ground and rest a little.
Joyce sighed loudly thinking about hopper.
The tears in his eyes when he nodded to her telling her it was okay.
The blood on his face from battling the Russian guy who he had just killed.
Then came the tears. Joyce found herself crying alone in her own dream or mind or wherever she was.
As she took a deep breath to calm down she heard the voices again.
This time they were different. They were still hers and hoppers but wouldn't you know it was the same memory she had just thought of.
"No..please..don't.." she inhaled sharply while watching hoppers face again nod in reassurance. Joyce couldn't bear to see memories of him because all it does is break her.
And of course the area around her began to transform again to the same place she was during one of the worst moments in her life.
When she closed her eyes and turn her head, she was sobbing and just wanted it to all stop. The loud beeping of the control panel. The loudness of the machine howling.
"STOOOOP!!!" She yelled as loud as she could with her voice echoing and breaking with her sobs. Joyce was back in the black place back on the ground right where she was.
She put her head between her knees and just sad there.
"Just come back..." her voice echoed.

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