day two

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As they approached Hess Farm, Joyce already knew what was going to happen from her memory. They were going to go under the house, find the two Russian men working, then the giant Russian was going to come down and they were going to nearly escape along with Alexei.
Joyce wished she could just explain everyone Hopper right here but if she did that would take a massive amount of explaining and she wasn't sure he'd totally believe her so with her head down, she just continued to retrace her steps again.
Once they got to the bedroom, Joyce again pointed out the sound was coming from below them, and they lifted the bed and continued on.
"Stay close." Hopper whispered as they made their way down the stairs.
They paused when they heard the conversation of two men and it wasn't English.
"Hey dipshits. Hawkins PD hands in the air." Hopper said intimidatingly.
They spoke but they couldn't understand what the men were saying.
Hopper quickly began to lose patience and kept trying to tell them he didn't understand them and the entire situation grew more frustrating by the second.
"Stop!" Joyce yelled.
"They can't understand us and we can't understand them and we don't know if someone else is here so let's just go!" She yelled once more.
"I'll make them understand with my fist and there's no one else here." Hopper said sternly.
"You can't make them understand with violence, why can't you just try and talk to them instead of yelling and punching things all the time?" Joyce had made her point very clear but Hopper couldn't take no for an answer and they began arguing so loud they didn't hear the other Russian who was far bigger come in until he shot a warning shot at them.
Hopper grabbed Joyce's hand and made her stay put out of sight while he grabbed his gun and went looking for the man.
He skimmed the area and walked up behind the man and insisted he drop his weapon.
Joyce was hiding and over heard the conversation and it wasn't different, it was all the same.
Once the shots were fired again she covered her ears and didn't move until she saw Hoppers gun fly over to her.
She didn't want to try and throw it to Hopper again because she was afraid she'd mess up again, so she thought of another way.
Joyce grabbed the gun and loaded it.
She walked around the two men fighting unseen.
It was hard to shoot a moving target but she thought it was worth a try so she inched closer and lined up her shot, took a deep breath and pulled the trigger.
The Russian groaned in pain. She had shot him in the leg and he let go of Hopper.
She was a little in shock and it took her a few seconds to react when Hopper handcuffed himself to Alexei and yelled for Joyce to hurry.
The gun was still in her hand the whole time and the three ran up the stairs and out of the house while to Russian was willing himself back up and reached for his gun.
As Joyce struggled with the keys she saw the man standing on the porch now and he was ready to open fire so she rammed the key in the ignition and hit the gas pedal so hard it took her by surprise.
Joyce ran over the mailbox and they finally reached the road with only a few close shots-finally able to take a breath.
On their long drive, to well no one really knew, Joyce grew tired and it was unanimously decided they park in the woods and sleep for the night.
Hopper uncuffed himself from Alexei and hand cuffed him to where Alexei was now cuffed to the door handle.
He crawled up into the passenger seat next to Joyce and reclined the seat back matching her.
"So when were you going to tell me you knew how to shoot a gun with amazingly good accuracy?" He jokingly asked her.
"Well I didn't even know I could do that so I guess we just got lucky..your welcome by the way." She said with her eyebrows raised.
"Your welcome for what?" He asked genuinely confused.
"You were getting your ass kicked and I saved it. Thank you. You're welcome." Joyce smiled.
"Alright yea you saved me..thank you."
"It was nothing." She said.
They smiled at one another.
Alexei had fallen asleep already and began snoring.
"I'll second that." Joyce said referring to Alexei asleep already.
She turned on her side dosed off after about ten minutes.
Joyce dreamed of her boys and her girl and them being a family all together and Hopper was there too but it was like he wasn't there.
Hopper took about an hour to fall asleep with the others because he was too worried about Joyce waking up from a nightmare but his sleepiness won in the end and soon the car was quiet with nothing but the sounds of three sleepers.
The morning was pretty much the same as Joyce remembered as it consisted of her trying to get Alexei to understand English but this whole thing felt so stupid to her. She realized he wanted to change things but she wasn't even trying, sure she told Hopper about what was really going on the past 6 months but he needed to know what was going to happen if she didn't save him this time.
Hopper once again made it known that Joyce and Alexei were giving him a headache and she went to try and start the car just like before but she knew it was going to burst into flames so she hesitated.
"It's not working." She said to Hopper who was growing increasingly annoyed.
"Just try it again." He said.
"Hopper seriously I don't think it's gonna work, let's just walk." Joyce hesitated again.
"I might not be a mechanic Joyce but I know that when you annoy the hell out of something and force it to work, eventually it will." He breathed out.
"Or it just might burst into flames from exhaustion.." She raised her voice.
"Or it will turn on making us able to get the hell out of here!" He was yelling now.
"To go where huh? Home? Yeah that's just the right idea, let's take a Russian man to town and that won't raise any suspicion at all!" She yelled back.
"You wanna walk? Go walk! I won't stop you!"
"You wouldn't be saying that when you get trapped behind the machine and there's no one else to save you but me!"
It was quiet now.
"Joyce..wha-what are you talking about?" He walked up to her concerned.
She was breathing heavy now from trying to hold back all the tears.
"It's-its nothing I just-I saw it in a book and I was thinking about it and it slipped out like a heat of the moment thing." She wouldn't look at him.
"Well that was pretty specific, like you thought I knew exactly what you were talking about." He pushed.
"Look." She said sternly. "I told you it's nothing. Now let's just walk and forget about it..okay?"
She didn't wait for an answer and just started walking to what she thought was the right direction.
Joyce remembered the previous walk was full of bickering and insults but not this one. It was silent and the only time they talked was when Hopper repeatedly urged Alexei to keep up with them.
The outcome was the same though, Alexei did try to runoff but they caught him once again at the 7/11.
As far as that moment goes it was all the same. They stole a car and found their way at Murray's house.
She didn't yell at Murray though this time-as if it would change much so this time it was Jim who did the arguing with him and it didn't do much anyways.
The day was slow. The moments rolled on without her.
She tried to give effort to pay attention but at this point with the events to come less than a day away...she felt totally helpless.
Joyce found herself asking Murray if he had a guest bedroom since they would absolutely be staying the night and she was just so tired and upset that in these two days she has done nothing.
She went to the guest room and laid on the bed in a little ball to the side with no expressions on her face just-blank.
There was a knock on the side of the wall since she forgot to close the door.
She turned to see Hopper in the doorway.
"Um Murray's trying to translate as much as he can and it all has something to do with something called a key..I don't know, I just-thought you might want to know." He said.
She just nodded her head not sure what to say.
"Ok.." he walked away and shut the door.
It was now 10:30pm and Joyce began to dose off again hoping tomorrow that she would be drowning in motivation to stop whats to come and hoping she doesn't totally screw anything up permanently.

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