Some origin for the story and why im making it.

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I happened to go on the Steven universe wiki after being a huge fan of the show back when it had first came out and found the character of pink diamond. If you aren't familiar with Steven universe or haven't been caught up with it I recommend doing so. Anyways I saw that she never got a redemption arc or anything and was mostly thrown away.

I decided that wasn't going to happen and so this story is happening. I did also realize that...

Spoiler warning

In the show pink diamond is apparently never "dead" she is just the gem in Steven's bellybutton and actually appeared for a split second in the show's canon. I realized that she could come back and would after Steven dies and his human form disappears. He is still human and can still age. The show makes a big point about this in an episode where he nearly dies from accelerated aging. And in that episode pink diamond nearly comes back twice. But it never happens...

Pink diamond also got reprimanded and slightly abused in the show and had actually repeated that behavior to a certain character. It sounds as though she is a villain but she is just really tragic and deserves a second chance. I actually felt this way a couple years ago about a villain named jasper who became a fully fledged hero.

This sounds like a rant and it kinda is supposed to be one. Any fnaf fans who came here for another fanfic are out of luck because this is not about anything fnaf. I plan on trying to make this story CANON. Yes canon. It will take years of effort and by then it may become pointless. Maybe pink diamond will get redemption. The show has told its story but it should be far from over considering it is one of the most successful shows on Cartoon Network and is still loved by millions. It could be brought back and after the show focused a lot on the past it could focus on pink diamond's future. I honestly hope that does happen.

I actually plan on trying to see if Rebecca sugar (the creator of the show) would make this canon. I do plan on playing this by ear for now. But, I think it could happen. Part of the show Steven universe that I see so much is forgiveness and redemption and with a character like pink diamond she literally can't fix her mistakes. She left everyone behind.

As I thought of this I wondered. People talk so much about how she left the gems and Greg behind but where did she go? Why didn't she come back into existence when spinel hit Steven with the rejuvenator? Pink diamond is just made out to be a bad person. And she kinda was but so were characters like the other diamonds or jasper and both of which got redemption but pink never did.... Steven universe is supposedly done but I want to continue this story one last time. If this story gets super popular and maybe even the creator sees it. It would be exciting but at the end of the day I'm just trying to find redemption for a plot device to start the show's problems.

Anyways enough of the sad stuff. Onto the story!

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