Chapter 6: second chance at motherhood

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Pink held Shirley close while they fell. She felt bad for the boy who had to deal with things that were so hostile. She was impressed at how well he handled it and how he had the courage to stand up to white diamond. She felt the need to protect him and back in her head hoped she would even be able to raise the boy. He needed someone and pink was going to be that someone to him. Her need to protect had activated a bubble around the two that would shield them from the fall.

The others ran to the poofed gem of a certain white diamond. When they arrived at the crater that had formed they noticed a dark blood red shadow leak from it and slip away from the scene. Blue and yellow diamond carefully picked up the gem and lifted it into the air. Almost immediately white diamond regenerated into existence with a bright white glow.

"What happened? Where is pink!?" White diamond cried out immediately after she reappeared.

"Shh white, she is here and you are fine." Blue said with her soothing voice.

Pink looked down at Shirley. He was clutching onto her for dear life. "This is it. This is the end. I always hated heights." Shirley looked up at pink. "Wow the angels in heaven have some really pretty and fluffy pink hair. It's like cotton candy. Wait a minute." Shirley sighed as pink giggled at his confusion. "I'm just glad we survived that."

White diamond leaped over to where they were on the beach. "Are you okay starlight? And you human I'm so sorry about that. I wasn't really in control of myself but I do apologize and I sincerely hope we can grow to have a positive relationship." White diamond said with a smile that creeped Shirley out more than it did reassure him. "Yeah you seem nice." He said with the face of a person who wanted to leave.

"Well I better get going." Shirley said after pink let go and the two got up. Shirley took two steps and immediately fell over from exhaustion. "Seeing as how you don't seem to be in any condition to be left alone.....would it be okay if I looked after you for a while Shirley?" Pink asked as she leaned down to look at him. "Yeah...I would appreciate that." He whispered to her. Pink nodded with a warm smile and scooped up the limp Shirley.

"Um.....there is so much I want to ask you starlight but maybe it would be best if we brought you by the house and let you and him recover." White diamond suggested. Pink nodded and smiled at everyone there. They all understood that it was best to wait until they had a big reunion.


After Shirley was put into steven's old room pink and the other gems and diamonds gathered outside and hugged pink with tears of joy. The diamonds asked if she would ever be returning to home world to which she responded that "I will visit." Spinel watched from a distance, why would she ever want to go near pink? Pink left her for 6,000 years in that garden and just forgot about her like she was nothing. It wouldn't have been as bad either if pink hadn't made it seem like a game for spinel. That was what had made her so angry, the manipulation that pink inflicted on other people.

"I should go check on Shirley. I would imagine that by now he is bound to be awake." Pink said with a chuckle.

"Uh pink you just led him to steven's room? Why would you need to check on him?" Pearl asked her.

"Actually we've been here for almost eight hours. It's almost morning." Pink said. The others looked up at the sky and noticed it was in fact almost morning and they had all been there the whole night. The diamond got into their ships Nd left soon after and the crystal gems decided that they would give pink some time to mentally recover from coming back into existence and dealing with the chaos that happened soon after. Pink watched everyone go and got shapeshifter to a smaller form to get into the house. She returned to her normal size after she got in and looked at Shirley who was sleeping on steven's old bed. She looked around the place and then watched Shirley as he slept.

She felt odd about doing it but also felt an urge to make sure he was always safe. Pink thought about this feeling and realized that it was what a mother felt. She confused herself with this thought. 'Why would I feel like this if my son is gone?' She would nought to herself. She sat there until she saw Shirley start to toss and turn in his sleep, she leaned closer and saw him start to mutter out things and then he ripped off the covers and rolled off of the bed. He stood up while he was still asleep. Shirley sleepwalked over to his knife that he had put on a shelf next to the TV. Shirley picked it up and held it in the air. He turned it around until the blade was pointed downwards. Shirley slowly started to lower the knife to his stomach but pink grabbed his hand and took the knife. She gently grabbed the still asleep Shirley and placed him back on the bed and put the covers over him.

Pink looked down at the knife and gasped when she saw it was no ordinary knife. It had glowing green red inscriptions over black crystal material. Pink didn't recognize the knife but if it could poof white diamond it was definitely something to beware of.

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