Storm on the horizon

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Pink created a bubble around herself as white sent another large beam of energy at her. She looked over and watched Shirley moving his hand. She realized that the masked gem wasn't controlling the diamonds at the moment.

It was Shirley.

She thought about what to do. She knew if she could disrupt his control over white then maybe white would be able to fight with her. But she would never hurt Shirley. She would distract him!

Pink ran at Shirley who couldn't stop to protect himself from her since he was controlling white. Or so she thought.
Shirley smacked her to the side with the hilt of his sword. Pink noticed how white diamond stopped attacking as soon as he had hit her. Pink entered a sword fight with Shirley, he was quick to deflect any attack she used on him. Shirley spun his sword a lot more than he used to. Pink understood why when he slashed with his sword and it sent out a shockwave of energy that sent pink flying into the wall.

"I can do this forever for you."

"I'm afraid I can only spare seven minutes. I have lots to do."

"No you don't."

Shirley rushed at pink and slashed again. She ducked under his blade and regrettably slashed at his side. His armor absorbed the attack and he knocked her away. "It's admirable how durable you are in battle. Are you even tired? Your gems may have taken the armies but they will easily be beaten. You have lost, accept your punishment or meet my blade and be forced into it."

"I changed and learned. My punishment was being brought into an existence where I had to accept that people I loved were gone and never coming back."

"You know what everyone else felt like when you made Steven."

Pink grew very angry at the mention of Steven. Shirley wasn't responsible for his actions, the masked gem was and she had no right to even speak about Steven. Pink charged at Shirley who held up his sword. Pink brought her blade down on his at the speed of light and charged into Shirley, he went flying into the wall as pink suddenly started to glow the color she shared her name with. She ran at the masked gem who waved her hand expecting pink to be sent away. The masked gem was very wrong. She stood up and looked at pink with her dark masked eyes.

Pink struck the mask with her sword and sent the gem tumbling away. Pink watched as the masked gem quickly got up and looked back at her with a crack going down her mask, the masked gem held out her hand and made white poof. Pink ran over and bubbled the large gem and sent it to the leg ship with the other diamonds. The mask gem watched link and laughed.

"Do you know my name pink?"

"No and I don't care."

"I am painite. There is no other gem type like mine. I create other gems and have the ability to destroy them. I would never harm you, I enjoy your childish fantasies. But my new green diamond seems to lack in the power I thought he had. Maybe he wasn't a good choice to make, maybe I should just break him." As painite said this Shirley stood up and looked at pink, the helmet of his armor that once hide his face had a hole that showed one of his eyes.

"I will prove that theory wrong." Shirley said as he charged at pink. He glowed a bright green color that meant he was using his powers too. Pink and Shirley collided blades. Shirley pulled his sword back and tripped pink, before she hit the ground he tackled her and teleported away from the palace.

Pink looked around the place she had been brought to. She recognized the halls of the place but couldn't make out what it was. She saw Shirley turn a corner in the distance. She got up and followed with her sword held tightly in her grasp. She bolted down the hall and stabbed at Shirley who jumped into the air and sliced at pink, he just barely missed her. Pink summoned her shield and blocked a quick combo of slices and stabs from Shirley.

"This isn't you Shirley! Please stop, I don't want to hurt you!"

"I want to hurt you, I want to hurt you very bad for the things you did to gemkind."

Shirley kicked pink away. She got up and threw her shield at him before she sliced at his armor. She made three large cracks in it that didn't break through but did weaken the armor. Shirley summoned another sword that had a curvy blade. He slashed at pink with both swords, luckily for the diamond Shirley let his guard down for her to bring her own blade down onto his helmet. It shattered completely which sent Shirley onto his knees. She looked down at the boy she thought of as a son.

He looked back with the diamond pupils she had never thought she would see. He pulled a headset off of his head that had wires connected into his skull. He looked at her with a look of frustration instead of anger, Shirley calmly stood up.

"I'm so sorry I m-" Shirley kicked pink through a wall in the hallway in the blink of an eye. Pink went flying into an earth like environment where she finally realized where she had been brought to.

It was her old zoo. He had brought her there to remind her of the past she left behind.

"Don't worry about this place. The humans were let out by your sponsor deceased son. I will refrain from saying his name seeing as how it makes you so mad."

"I don't think you even know his name."


The two clashed after rushing at each other. Shirley threw pink behind him and sent her in front of the door that had kept many humans from escaping into a real life. Pink stood there looking at Shirley with a real fear of him. She had ripped her sword somewhere in the room and her shield had desummoned. Pink crawled back trying to think of how she would be able to win. She still didn't want to hurt Shirley.

But she had to protect herself somehow.

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