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  After Skylar fainted Raydon jumped into action taking his passed out wife inside the house to get some cold air he still couldn't believe the bomb Rj just dropped on them.

  Royal smiled brightly rushing up to hug her friend she realized in that moment just cause she might have lost her baby doesn't mean she couldn't be happy for someone else.

  " Congratulations you guys im so happy for yall" she said hugging Heather who eyes were glossy but smiled non the less.

   " thank you so much oh you got a dog" Heather said seeing the lil bulldog in Royals arms.

  "Yes he was a gift he is my fur baby" Royal said as she changed the subject not trying to explain who she gotten it from from, truth be told Heather who was glad the attention was on her this time finally basked in the spotlight.

   " Oh heather girl Congratulations I no your finally happy you don't have to hide it anymore" An unnoticeable voice said breaking up the sister sister reunion causing both ladies heads to turn to the new comer.

  Portia knew what she was doing approaching Royal she been feening to meet the woman who tried to break up her happy home. she eyed the wild haired female in distaste he chose this

   " Oh tia thanks yes I no finally" Heather said joyful as Royal took a step back to analyze the situation gracefully.

  " Yall know each other?" Royal asked feeling left out of the joke after seeing many around her hiding their smiles.

   " Oh how stupid of me Royal this is Paris umm" Heather said clearing her throat now realizing what just happened.

   " fiance" Portia said holding her left hand out showing off the  diamond ring on her dainty finger.

   " Aww that's cute" Royal said eyeing portia before she smiled at heather who she couldn't believe at the moment.

   " Roy" Ryder called after paying attention to what was going on and refuse for his sister to look like the other woman or be apart of the facade this woman was trying to pull.

    Royal turned her head looking at her younger brother who waved her over to where he was standing with rayel.

   " well it was a pleasure meeting you Portia, heather" Royal said walking away the once happy cloud she came floating on was now gone.

    " did that really just happen?" royal asked as she came near her siblings Rayel stood glaring behind her while Ryder wrapped an arm around her shoulder pulling her in.

   " whats going on siblings?" Rj asked coming from in the house seeing his siblings huddled up in a small circle not knowing what was going on.

   " Paris lil thing decided it was a good time to come size Roy up" Rayel said still eyeing portia who looked away fast not liking the way the young girl glared at her.

    " Really shes not even like that im surprised you iight sis I didnt know he was bringing her" Rj asked kissing Royals forehead as she sighed wanting to go home.

  Pj barked causing her to glanced down at her dog in her arms that made her smile brightly snapping the sadness away.

  " What did mom say?" Ryder asked Rj who sighed rubbing his head looking over at the group of people.

  " man she wild me out saying she dont trust Heather and im stupid im not mad at her or anything but damn ma here at this event" Rj said sipping his henny.

  " you know how mommy is she don't even give a fuck" Rayel said making us laugh because she didn't even care.

   " she said she wants Heather far away from her for a minute and she wants a DNA test she doesn't believe im the father and a bunch of other stuff that dad had to remove me from fhe room" Rj explained as his siblings patted his back knowing how their mother could be.

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