More Than Just A Reserve

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-April 19th-

Last night was different.

Not just Kyoko, although that was an experience.

But that dream, it felt...

I sat up and looked at my hands. Memories of what was done rushed back as I closed them, gritting my teeth.

*Bang! Bang! Bang!*

???: Wakey Wakey! Time for class Mr. L/N!

I'm late...

I got up, grabbed a white button-up shirt and I opened my door just enough to see her.


Chisa: You're 10 minutes late to class! I'm here to get you.

"My apologies, I was... Having a hard time with some... Personal issues before you arrived.

Chisa looked me up and down, noticing the shirt fighting against my body, tightening with every breath.

Chisa: What're you wearing?

I just have these shirts because they came with the room... They're way smaller than my size.

"My armor has some oil stains that I was unable to get out. I will be out in a few minutes."

I was about I close my door when she said something.

Chisa: Well okay, oh! And while you are at it, can you get Ms. Kirigiri up too, I don't want her missing class either!



After I woke Kyoko and got ready, Chisa took me with her.

Apparently, I'm not the only one who's late today, I threw on the same suit I had on yesterday.

"Why am I here?"

Chisa: Ms. Nanami is also absent from class, I suspect she's in her usual spot right over... Here!

We arrived at a little area with some greenery and a bench. Like she said, Chiaki was there with some boy I don't recognize.

That's... Not our uniform.

"Miss, allow me. Wait here."

Chisa gave me a little thumbs up and hid behind a bush. I walked over to the bench, and the unknown guy just looked at me.

Oddly Normal Boy: Chiaki, I think one of your friends is here.


Something about him, his mannerisms, the way he's refusing to meet my gaze, even through my visor...

Chiaki looked up from her game.

Chiaki: Oh, Y/N. Why are you here?

"Gathering the class again."

I pointed to the boy.

"Who is this?"

Chiaki: He's a friend.

"Right. What's your name."

The bot straightened out to properly introduce himself.

Oddly Normal Boy:
My name is Hajime Hinata.

I'm fairly good with names. Of all the classes I looked at, there was no Hajime Hinata.

"What class are you in?"

Hajime: I'm not in the Main Course. I'm a Reserve Course Student.

He sighed, looking down as he muttered to himself.

Heartbeat For A Tin Man -  Kyoko Kirigiri x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now